Jackson estate copyright infringement lawsuit settled

Jackson estate copyright infringement lawsuit settled


09/05/2012 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Los Angeles – A settlement has been reached in a copyright infringement lawsuit involving the estate of late entertainer Michael Jackson. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), the lawsuit, which restricts the use of Jackson’s likeness without permission by Vintage Pop Media CEO Howard Mann and his companies, was settled for $2.5 million on Tuesday.

Mann’s company previously operated www.michaeljacksonsecretvault.com, which was shut down by a court order last year over copyright violations. Items used on the website that were deemed to have been done so improperly include images from the film “This Is It.”

Howard Weitzman, an attorney for Jackson’s estate, is quoted by the AP as stating of the settlement, “The estate is delighted this matter is behind us.”

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