OSHA extends public opinion period for construction safety guidelines

OSHA extends public opinion period for construction safety guidelines


OSHA public comment period extended on proposed safety rules for cranes/derricks. Employers required to assess hazards and inspect condition of equipment.

Wikipedia www.wikipedia.org defines a derrick as a lifting device with one mast or pole hinged freely at the bottom. It is controlled by lines (usually four of them) powered by some means, like a man-hauling or motors, so the pole can move in all four directions.

December 19, 2008, West Palm Beach, Fl (JUsticeNewsFlash.com) Justice construction accidents and workers compensation news reporters for JusticeNewsFlash.com (JNF), a website visibility medium providing ground breaking news on construction accidents and government health & law initiatives, reports government extends public input period. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) http://www.osha.gov/ ,a division of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) http://www.dol.gov/ has extended the public comment period on it’s national crane safety initiative. The national safety initiative developement drive wants to address key safety hazards during construction crane and derrick operation. Public comment submission deadline is January 22, 2009, and may be sent electronically to www.regulations.gov, the Federal eRulemaking Portal. To submit comments by regular mail, messenger, or courier service, send to them the OSHA Docket Office, Docket No. OSHA-2007-0066, U.S. Department of Labor, Room N-2625, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210. Comments (10 pages or fewer) may be submitted via facsimile to 202-693-1648.

West Palm Beach crane injury lawyers specializing in workmans compensation in construction accidents provides the following outline by OSHA of the new safety guidelines suggestions for employers:

-Must determine the ground can support the weight of hoisting equipment and associated loads.
-A through assessment of potential hazards in the work zone affecting safe operation of hoisting equipment (power lines, objects, personnel in swing radius of hoisting equipment)
-Employers must maintain functioning equipment by required inspections
-Employers must train all employees on hazards and equipment safety

JNF construction injury reporters and South Florida construction accident attorneys encourage construction companies to focus on safety and health training of workers and laborers. If you have suffered an injury as a result of a construction accident consult an attorney who specializes in construction injury and workers compensation claims.

With JusticeNewsFlash.com, lawyers, journalists, and other professionals have the opportunity to provide breaking news to their communities using an easy to access, convenient medium. Topics covered include construction injury litigation, personal injury lawsuits, workman compensation claims, wrongful death legal actions, traumatic spinal cord injury suits, and government health & law initiatives.

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