EPA plans to improve flea and tick treatments after thousands of pet deaths

EPA plans to improve flea and tick treatments after thousands of pet deaths


Legal news for product liability attorneys. The EPA is planning to improve the safety of flea treatments, which have killed or injured thousands of pets.

Product liability attorneys alert- The EPA plans to make flea and tick products safer for dogs and cats.

Washington, D.C.—The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) http://www.epa.gov/ announced on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 that they plan to make products intended to treat dogs and cats for fleas and ticks safer for our furry friends. Each year the flea and tick products have killed hundreds of pets and injured tens of thousands others, as reported by MSNBC.

The EPA has received a total of 44,263 reports of harmful reactions related to topical flea and tick products in 2008, which has almost doubled from 28,895 in 2007. Skin irritations, vomiting, seizures and even death were among the reported reactions. Pet owners also reported that their pets have suffered welts on their skin, drooling excessively, shaking uncontrollably, inability to control their legs, and neurological problems all after using the flea and tick treatments.

The EPA became involved after increasing number of complaints from pet owners were brought to their attention. Pet owners claimed that the “spot-on” products have caused the adverse reactions in their pets. The EPA is pledging to implement more ridged guidelines for testing and evaluations among flea and tick treatments. They will also be reviewing the treatment labels to determine which ones will need clarification on how to use the treatment.

The EPA released a 29-page report, which stated the majority of problems arose in smaller dogs that weight 10 to 20 pounds. Other incidents occurred when pet owners mistakenly gave the treatment intended for a larger dog to their smaller dog. Most of the problems occurred in the Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, miniature poodles, Pomeranians and dachshund breeds. Cats also have been mistakenly given treatments that were intended for dogs. The EPA is hoping that clearer labels will help pet owners to not continue to make these mistakes that put their furry friend in danger.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for product liability lawyers.

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