Elderly man fell 60-feet from Hollywood intracoastal bridge

Elderly man fell 60-feet from Hollywood intracoastal bridge


Legal news for Florida wrongful death attorneys. A man crossing a drawbridge fell 60-feet when it began to lift.

Hollywood Police Department alerts Florida wrongful death lawyers- An elderly man was killed after a 60-foot fall from a drawbridge.

Miami, FL—An elderly man held on for his dear life before falling from an open drawbridge, and onto concrete nearly 60-feet below. The 80-year-old man was walking across an Intracoastal Waterway bridge around 3:00 p.m., in Hollywood, when the bridge suddenly began lift, as reported by WPLG.

Desmond Nolan, 80, was reportedly walking across the drawbridge, when he got about half way across and heard the alarms sound and the bridge began to lift. Nolan was apparently in plain view of the bridge attendant’s office when the bridge started to open. Drivers witnessing the incident began to feverishly honk their horns to get the bridge attendant’s attention to tell him there was a man on the bridge. The bridge continued to rise, and Nolan was seen holding on for his life to the metal grates on the bridge. Nolan dangled there for a little before plummeting 60-feet onto the concrete bridge below. Responding emergency medical services (EMS) crews rushed Nolan to the Memorial Regional Hospital, where his injuries proved fatal. It is currently unknown why the attendant didn’t see Nolan on the bridge before raising it. Another attendant stated, even though Nolan was in front of the office, he couldn’t be seen in the security cameras. The Hollywood Police Department is reportedly conducting a full investigation into the fatal accident.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for Florida wrongful death lawyers.

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