Legal news for Alabama employment attorneys. Low oxygen and heat is the likely cause of a fatal mine accident.
Mine Safety and Health Administration alerts Alabama employment lawyers- One miner was killed and other miner was injured in an Alabama mine.
Tuscaloosa, AL—An inspection at the No.7 mine in Brookwood, turned deadly for one of the two miners conducting the inspection on Monday night, November 23, 2009. One worker was killed while the other was found suffering from exhaustion when rescue teams found them around 10:00 p.m., as reported by the Miami Herald.
Two miners reportedly ventured in the Jim Walter No.7 mine to conduct an inspection when they failed to report back to supervisors as they normally would. A foreman found the two miners, James Chaney, 53, of Berry, and Milton Etheridge, 59, of McCalla, far from the opening. Chaney was found non-responsive, while McCalla was having a difficult time breathing. The federal Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) reported low oxygen levels and the heat inside the mine is the likely cause for the accident. Five rescuers who were trying to assist the victims were overcome while in the mine. Both McCalla and the injured rescuers were transported to a local hospital for treatment of their injuries. Three rescuers were treated and released, while two others remained in the hospital. Chaney was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical teams. An investigation into the fatal mine accident is currently underway.
Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for Alabama employment lawyers.