This week, we have Jonathan S. Lavinwho is the chief investment officer Bain Capital Credit and co-managing partners Bath Capital, a leading private investment firm with approximately $160 billion in assets under management. Bain Capital Credit manages $40 billion in assets and invests in a variety of credit strategies, including leveraged loans, high-yield bonds, distressed debt, private loans, structured products, distressed loans and equities.
he as a Columbia University Trustee and the director of the Boston Celtics.
We discuss how he launched a private credit fund in the mid-1990s amid a booming stock market. The unit eventually grew into an important part of Bain’s portfolio. LaVine explained how the firm continues to operate as a partnership — distinct from many others in the private equity space.
Lavine is actively involved in philanthropy and is currently city ??yearThe National Board of Directors, an organization working to curb high school dropout rates in America’s urban centers, and his wife support the historic documentary ken burns moviesand has been support this Next Generation Documentary film producer.He is also a member of the association United States Holocaust Memorial Commissionand Anti-Defamation League.
List of his favorite books here; our conversation transcript is available here on Monday.
You can stream and download our full conversations, including podcast add-ons iTunes, Spotify, stapler, Google, Bloombergand Akaster. All early podcasts on your favorite podcast host are available find here.
Be sure to check out our Master of Business next week with Luana Lopez LauraCo-founder Karsh, has been approved by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as an Authorized Designated Contract Market (DCM). Kalshi operates a federally regulated exchange that allows investors to trade directly on the expected outcome of future events.
Jonathan LaVine’s Favorite Books
Always Here: Finding Meaning, Spirituality, and a Deeper Connection to Life in Judaism Sarah Hurwitz
Justice and Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Brian Stevenson
The Vietnam War: An Intimate History Jeffrey Ward and Ken Burns
A Journey of a Lifetime: Lessons from 15 Years as CEO of The Walt Disney Company Robert Iger
a man named Ove Frederick Beckman
anxious person Frederick Beckman
bear town Frederick Beckman
other books mentioned
Masters: Roger Federer’s Long Runs and Beautiful Races Christopher Clary
Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War Robert Colum
Common Sense: An Investor’s Guide to Equality, Opportunity and Growth by Joel Greenblatt
2006 Column: Roger Federer as a religious experience David Foster Wallace
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