Bees survived the volcanic ash for weeks after the eruption in the Canary Islands now
I lost $400,000 in a Robinhood bet, almost everything I have vice
Years after the $600,000 theft, the plumber found the money and inspected the walls of Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church Click 2 Houston
Is private equity overvalued? New York Times. Nice to see Dealbook Catch up.
Visualize the accumulation of man-made mass on the earth Visual capitalist
(Compared with biomass, Quantify here.)
Core concept: Green ammonia can produce a climate-friendly way to store energy and fertilize farms National Aeronautics and Space Administration
#Coronavirus disease
Stroking the chin:
The race to measure the threat of Omicron: weekend reading Bloomberg
We will learn more about Omicron soon.Here is how to explain the upcoming data torrent statistics
Deciphering the Omicron competition: how many days, weeks, or months does it take? Fortunately for the Financial Times, our visionary political class has a strong non-pharmacological intervention system to protect us during the transition between mutation discovery and vaccine development. Lol, no, what am i thinking.
* * * COVID-19 mRNA vaccine immunogenicity in immunosuppressed individuals Journal of Infectious Diseases. Abstract: “These data indicate that the current COVID-19 mRNA vaccine regimen may not provide the best protection for immune-compromised individuals.”
* * * With the rattle of the lock LRB.
[I had the] The “mild to moderate” version of Covid. But this is not fun. I have a feeling of semi-consciousness, and my body knows that it is dealing with a new disease. I will feel good and then bad, wavy. The picture that came to my mind that week was in a room in a not-so-good hotel. Someone kept trying to open your door, locked it for a while, then gave up and left, only to come back and try again after a few hours. It feels as if Covid is returning repeatedly to try to lock. This is a feeling I have never felt about any other disease: I feel that Covid has intentions and that they are not benign.
Globally, Covid has not stopped coming back to try this door.
Horror film simile It seems appropriate.
Covid-19 and the safety net-from tension to maintenance NEJM. “In addition, the safety net system faces greater financial, labor, and technical pressures than other systems. [(!!!)], The transition to telemedicine and insufficient access to federal emergency funding are particularly sensitive to safety net providers that have historically been meager and have the fewest cash reserves. “The reader knows that I hate the safety net metaphor because it normalizes the concept of life as a tightrope walker. But I am sorry that the hospital lost some profits. Maybe there is another way forward?
* * * What is the protective effect of masks Max Planck Society:
Three meters is not enough to ensure protection. Even at that distance, an unvaccinated person can be infected with almost 100% certainty in less than 5 minutes while standing in the breath of a Covid-19 patient. This is bad news. The good news is that if both of them wear well-fitting medical masks, or even better FFP2 masks, the risk is greatly reduced.
Supporting evidence:
Everyone needs to see this. The mask order is very effective. The effect is amazing. Effective before the vaccine is available. Effective in combination with vaccines. Effective through triangular waves. Wear a mask and support the regulations on wearing a mask. pic.twitter.com/9yu7Rcyp6J
— Mark Sumner (@Devilstower) December 2, 2021
Well, mixed. But still (Data passed). More about FFP2 masks.
Compliment one size fits all Boston Review
Covid 19 Delta outbreak: Ministry of Education orders air purifiers and carbon dioxide monitors for schools New Zealand Herald
A runny hippo tested positive for COVID-19 at a Belgian zoo German wave
How does China’s “One Belt, One Road” link to Southeast Asia, regardless of political caution South China Morning Post. Station = real estate development.
Even on American campuses, China severely cracks down on students who dare to speak out PSAs
Must prove that the Burmese army can’t win Foreign policy. There is only one way to do this, really.
During the “flash mob” in Yangon, Myanmar officials opened fire and stormed into anti-coup protesters South China Morning Post
Southeast Asia is at risk of heading towards the future of South America (PDF) Nikkei Asian Review
Coal of India will invest more than 19,000 rupees to increase coal transportation capacity Live mint
Adani’s controversial Australian mine will be used for electricity in India NDTV
[Photos] Looking forward to India’s largest coal mining project Monga b.
China-Iran strategic partnership: 40 years in the making Diplomat (Re Silc). Re Silc: “Go with the winner.”
Bennett and Biden: The honeymoon is over Tiquinolan
The Islamic State will hold a meeting on the crisis in Afghanistan on December 19 Channel News Asia
Chinese mining group looking for opportunities in Afghanistan What is the Financial Times, not opium?
American governor can improve England Sunday Times
……Eton School’s sports field:
The entire ruling class can really explain a lot in terms of sheer cruelty and abuse, can’t it? https://t.co/ibcMK0Rdxv
— Flying_Rodent (@flying_rodent) December 4, 2021
The entire thread is worth reading.
Europe’s energy security issues put it in a cold state War on the rock
New cold war
Biden Administration
Barrett’s adoption issue caused a continuous storm in the media Jonathan Terry. I can’t figure out why:
It’s really one of the most disturbing things I have witnessed in a long time. A member of Congress attempted to overthrow Roe V Wade and deprive American women of their reproductive rights. Publicly call them “earth vessels sanctified by Almighty God.” Give me strength. pic.twitter.com/LvYM46GRVN
— Dr. Jennifer Cassidy (@OxfordDiplomat) December 3, 2021
This tweet confuses “American women” with all mankind. In Cauthorne’s belief system, they are all “earth ships.” despite this.
The Fifth Circuit got the science wrong on OSHA’s vaccination mission statistics
Harris’ allies want her to take over when the staff reshuffle is imminent politics. Willie Brown tells Harris She doesn’t have to do this. But here we are.
Disagreements between Biden appointees lead the U.S. to accept Trump-era border policies CBS
supply chain
Alphaliner forecasts a record of $120B in profit for container carriers Maritime Executive
How a shortage of cream cheese affects New York bagel shops now
Our famous free media
CNN fired Chris Cuomo to investigate his efforts to help his brother New York Times. Massacre in nursing homes? Jack and the angels! Priorities….
Sports table
Big contract, big acquisition, big pressure: college football coach wins the jackpot New York Times. One of the best things that can happen to “higher education” is to separate the football team and openly become what they already are in practice: profitable entities are plundered by insiders and rely entirely on cheap labor. If they want to keep their brand, they can sign a license agreement with the school. Go, “Team”. Please.
Empire Folding Watch
The downfall of fossil fuels may also be the downfall of the United States Adam Tooze, Foreign Policy
Class struggle
Thousands of Columbia University graduates who went on strike threatened to be replaced via email Weekly newspaper. e-mail:
Last night, Columbia University sent an email threatening to replace graduate workers (they are leading the largest strike in the United States) if they continue to strike for more than a week.
These workers engage in collective activities protected by the law. pic.twitter.com/JowZ4P1Kjk
-Lauren Carrie Gurley (@LaurenKGurley) December 3, 2021
The classic dean’s speech.
List of people who have called on Covid:
1. Some of us warned about the consequences of allowing SARS-CoV-2 to spread in January and February 2020. We are called alarmism. We warn that the coronavirus will evade immunity over time due to reduced immunity or virus evolution. We have now seen SARS-CoV-2.
— Adam Hamdy (@adamhamdy) December 4, 2021
No one is in a position of real power or authority. As we have seen.
Political economy of reaction Unpopular front
Drop by to Lewis, Vermont. Population: 0 Obscure Vermont
Winter trees as a gateway to vitality Marginal man
The animals that walked into my life-a collection of stories (Podcast) Dialogue, Australian Broadcasting System
Today’s antidote, bird (pass through):
Music episode:
See yesterday’s link and antidote du Jour here.
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