Link 11/26/2021 | Naked Capitalism

Link 11/26/2021 | Naked Capitalism



Can be a human elephant Atlantic Organization

How a dog became man’s best friend: from Neanderthals to the present nature

Secret Broker: What could be wrong? everything. Stockhead

Corporate profits hit a record high in the third quarter AEIR (hairy mouse).

Pension funds should not rely on correlation (Forthcoming) (PDF) Ronald Lagnadoy, Nassim Nicholas Taleb Alternative Investment Magazine. Extracted from the abstract: “The core decision of pension funds is the allocation between stocks and bonds, usually relying on modern portfolio theory (MPT) indicators and methods as intellectual support. We show that historically, such “best” investment The portfolio is actually the most undesirable investment portfolio because it cannot guard against tail risks and under-allocates high-return asset classes. MPT has failed in terms of risk control and real-world investment optimization.”

How your 401(K) can help destroy the Amazon rainforest Intercept

The horror of electronic money Ian Wales

“Super jelly” made of 80% water can survive being crushed by a car-and can pave the way for soft robots Daily mail

Thanksgiving Summary

Stouffer’s goal is to spend Thanksgiving with the new single-serving frozen family onion

How to talk to FoxNews relatives on Thanksgiving! Big picture. Starting in 2019, it is still closely related. You can apply for leftovers.

An American holiday formed during the war Rock wars and Lincoln and Thanksgiving National Park Service


False reference price The truth in advertising. Self-protection on Black Friday.


How weather shapes history (Unlocked) New politician

#Coronavirus disease

Severely mutated coronavirus variant keeps scientists on guard nature. See Yves’ post about this new variant B.1.1.529Deck: “Researchers are racing to determine whether a rapidly spreading variant in South Africa poses a threat to the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine.” My inspiration for the word “racing” is that the first reason for the competition is always endogenous to the article. Any system described or implied and not explained in it. In terms of geopolitics, if the worst happens, please note that the great powers of the Anglo circle—defined as the United States and the United Kingdom, and their former colonies, South Africa and India—are currently performing poorly in optics. This will be the third time-Kent, India, and now South Africa-the Anglo Hatchery Reservoir has overflowed and infected the floodwater.China can think it has every reason no way “Opening up” will obviously cause the supply chain to “return to normal.”

* * *

Interactive ventilation tool CDC. I like this. CDC not only proposed this The day before thanksgiving, So people don’t have time to prepare their home ventilation strategies for guests, and one year has entered the well-known airborne pandemic. Oh, and there is no mention of the Corsi box, which shows that no one at CDC studies the ventilation measures actually taken by people on the ground. (A sort of Single result For “Corsi” on the CDC website, it doesn’t matter. ) I once again called for the CDC to be burned to the ground, the rubble was plowed into the ground, and the soil was sprinkled with salt.

* * *

With the pace of Covid’s reopening, the best and worst Bloomberg. Even setting aside Bloomberg’s business-centric concept of “best”, I think such a story would look silly in a few days.

Through the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, the relationship between state reopening policies, health outcomes, and economic recovery PLOS one.The last few paragraphs: “The data and related literature support the view that fear is the main driving factor for the sharp decline in consumer card spending during the pandemic. On the other hand, our main finding is that the recovery of consumer card consumption after the first wave of pandemic Many places and countries decided to reopen from the blockade, rather than the spread of SARS-CoV-2 at that time. In this case, the decision to reopen is a powerful mechanism that affects population behavior. The timing of these decisions may affect the current and The economic and health outcomes of future pandemics. This correlation clearly demonstrates the importance of planning and implementing flexibility in governance strategies to ensure proper management of future pandemics.” Any That method.

Why retailers are fighting vaccine regulations before the holidays now. Ka Shing.

* * *

The forgotten Covid jab that may have no side effects on children: The Novavax vaccine produced by Teeside will be the fourth approved vaccine, with 60 million orders in the UK Daily mail


Experts warn that a new variant of the new coronavirus has been found in southern Africa: its power may exceed delta What to read in China

The supply chain crisis will only worsen with China’s 7-week port quarantine Bloomberg. In other words, the CCP should take the lives of workers at risk so that Western rentiers can make money (and consume with Western consumers). Let me know how it turns out.

China Evergrande football stadium is taken over by the government–news Reuters (Furry Mouse).

Shaky decoration and “refugee zone”: these “Syrian style” cafes are a new trend in China France 24


ASEAN invites Myanmar’s shadow government ministers to participate in climate conference The Irrawaddy. at the same time:

Plainclothes security in high-end shopping malls.

Covid-19 rebound Vietnam weekly


Due to the new variant issue, India will strengthen the Covid-19 test for tourists Straits Times

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed vowed to lead the army from the front‘Al Jazeera

As China tightens the “Belt and Road” initiative, African countries are patching up and making do with Reuters

In Africa, Brinken believes that U.S. influence overseas is limited Associated Press


New, new labor:

After Brexit, Britain needs friends to stop the strait crossing with With the smuggler’s game, the French police face a “huge task” politics

After Johnson’s letter, France cancelled Britain’s invitation to participate in immigration crisis negotiations Financial Times

Italy’s public mental health model has won global acclaim.Now it faces extinction NPR

Gate of Russia

This is not a scam David Froom, Atlantic Ocean. No, not Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, stupid.


Israel, Iran, the United States: playing with fire Tikun OIam

Migrant workers in Qatar face exploitation and slavery. Now they are fighting for change. National Broadcasting Corporation

World Cup host Qatar uses former CIA officials to monitor FIFA Associated Press. The intelligence community in the United States is undergoing a shift.

supply chain

Poor conditions of truck drivers and low labor subsidies have prolonged the supply chain crisis National Broadcasting Corporation. Hedging:

Sudden freeze interrupted the supply chain of Russia’s North Sea route Maritime Executive

College Lin

Goldstrike is a fight for the soul of the university forum

Our famous free media

“Bitterness”, “Anger”, “Anger”: Real winners blasted and intercepted after serving 4 years in prison Rolling Stone

Zeitgeist Observation

Flash mob snatch activities continue to be held in high-end stores in Los Angeles Los Angeles Times.Reminiscent of Robbery at Tiflis Bank, But somehow, I suspect that today’s version of Joey Steel is behind it.

Class struggle

Covid on the left fails grazing. Speaking of which:


Thank you, PMC, good job (of course, the PMC expatriate).

The non-toxic left-handed hidden in sight New York Magazine. I like the “Internal Enemy” frame in the title. Anecdote, but telling (about the author, too. Implementation starts at paragraph 9).

Will social democracy return? Blanco Milanovic, Global Inequality

A return is imperative American affairs

Antifa and its origin American Conservative Party. Two sentences impressed me: “Unlike the modern left, traditional Marxists give priority to the welfare of the working class rather than the capital owners of the bourgeoisie.” To me, this means that the “modern left” is just another thing. A kind of liberal. And: “Although he was authoritarian, he was considered a left-wing reformer before he was allied with Nazi Germany.” Well, well.

Personal is important Lu Dan. Yes, this is from 2021.

“Working Lunch” New Yorker. I don’t know what happened to The New Yorker. This is actually good.

Today’s antidote (pass through):

Music episode:

See yesterday’s link and antidote du Jour here.

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