Is CBD better than Advil?

Is CBD better than Advil?



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Writer Jane Keene

Update September 21, 2021

Dr. Zora DeGrandpre

Medical examiner Dr. Zora DeGrandpre

Are you in pain? here. Grab an Advil. Take it! Take it! Your pain will disappear soon. Then thank you, Advil!

But really?

Is Advil or other forms of ibuprofen (Motrin) really worthy of your praise and thanks? What about side effects?

We will introduce you to an all-natural alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Advil/ibuprofen. CBD vs ibuprofen: is one better than the other? Let us find out.

Things you should know about Advil

Advil’s generic name is ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or NSAID, and one of the most popular analgesics.

NSAIDs like Advil are easily available, affordable, and can effectively control pain.

But what if I tell you that Advil has side effects that you should be wary of?

This is a relatively long list, but here is a short version: upset stomach, bloating, flatulence, constipation, indigestion, palpitations, high blood pressure (hypertension), loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, thirst, Sweating, swollen ankles and dizziness.Long-term use of Advil/ibuprofen can lead to an increased risk of ulcers, hearing loss, heart attack, and kidney and/or liver damage1.

But people may think they need their Advil to control pain and ignore all the side effects they may read about the long-term use of Advil.

Unfortunately, the side effects of Advil are real.

The longer you use Advil/ibuprofen analgesics and the higher the dose, the higher your risk of hearing loss, kidney disease, heart problems, and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Things you should know about CBD

CBD oil and Advil/ibuprofen

We know that Advil/ibuprofen has side effects-sometimes serious. How safe is CBD?

The latest review of the adverse effects (AE) and toxic effects of CBD concluded that: “In humans receiving the drug for epilepsy and mental illness, the most common AEs include fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, and liver toxicity. Overall, In other words, the incidence of these events is low, and CBD has better side effects compared to other drugs used to treat these diseases.2. “ The review also pointed out that CBD is related to fetal toxicity, so at this point, pregnant women should not take CBD is the safest, but overall, CBD is related to acceptable safety and further investigation of drug interactions is needed.

Which drugs may interact with CBD3? medicine interactions It is related to the action of liver enzymes, and may cause the effects of various drugs to weaken or increase. The main issue is the interaction with:

  • Buprenorphine
  • Leflunomide
  • Levomefloxacin Acetate
  • Lometas
  • Mipomosen
  • Pedatinib
  • Propoxyphene
  • Sodium oxybate
  • Teriflunomide

Also, look for “grapefruit warnings”, which indicate that people taking certain medications should avoid eating or drinking grapefruit or grapefruit juice.

For most people, the side effects of CBD are small and temporary, but you should always talk to your healthcare provider and pharmacist before adding CBD (or any other product) to your daily life .

But CBD is reducing pain and inflammation— Compared to Advil/ibuprofen or any other NSAID?

We did not directly compare the pain and inflammation of Advil/ibuprofen and CBD.But we do know that CBD can effectively reduce pain in various situations, such as Arthritis pain, Headache, Chronic pain And other painful situations4, 5. As mentioned earlier, we also know that CBD is very safe when used for these conditions-whether in a topical form-such as to relieve pain in arthritic joints-or as a CBD oil or capsule to treat chronic pain.

The important thing is that CBD does not have any intoxicating effects, nor does it produce hallucinations, mood changes, mental changes, drowsiness, etc., because it is a non-psychoactive compound and actually has a neuroprotective effect.6, 7.

Use of Advil and CBD

Both Advil and CBD are used to treat pain and inflammation.

But CBD can help more than just these symptoms. CBD is also an effective antioxidant, so while reducing pain and inflammation, it can also protect healthy cells from free radicals and other metabolic byproducts.8. In other words, CBD is not only an effective tool for pain relief, but also helps protect your body from harm.

Administration with CBD

The generally accepted method is “start from low and take your time.” This means starting with the lowest possible dose-for example, taking a 1/4 drop of CBD tincture or cutting the edible CBD into quarters. Then, give yourself at least 20 minutes to monitor the effect. If there is no obvious effect-for example. With little or no pain relief, start slowly increasing the dose-for example, by adding an extra ½ drop of CBD oil or ½ a kind of cooking oil. Monitor your reaction and allow at least 20-30 minutes for CBD to spread in your body. Once you find the best dose, you’re done! If you use topical CBD, you can use the same method-start with a very small amount, then slowly increase the amount of friction to the painful joint. With CBD, you can better control the dosage.

A common starting dose is 2.5 mg CBD per day, and many people slowly increase it to 20 mg CBD per day.

Is CBD better than Advil or ibuprofen?

Whether to use Advil and other ibuprofen products or CBD to relieve pain is obviously your choice. But reading through all the research reports, CBD can even benefit persistent, chronic, and intractable pain, and knowing that it has excellent safety, do you really think?

Let us know in the comments section below.

I will let you think about one more idea:

According to Professor Leslie Iversen of the Department of Pharmacology of Oxford University, he published a book titled “Cannabis Science,” Marijuana is safer than aspirin.

As always, please consult your doctor and pharmacist before using CBD or Advil/ibuprofen under any circumstances.

refer to

1Side effects of ibuprofen: common, serious, and long-term. (2020, July 26). Retrieved on January 7, 2021 from

2Huestis, MA, Solimini, R., Pichini, S., Pacifici, R., Carlier, J., & Busardò, FP (2019). Side effects and toxicity of cannabidiol. Current neuropharmacology, 17(10), 974–989.

3Brown, J. and Winterstein, A. (2019, July 8). Potential adverse drug events and drug interactions with medical and consumer cannabidiol (CBD) use. Retrieved on January 7, 2021, from

4VanDolah, HJ, BA, Bauer, BA, MD, & Mauck, KF, MD. (2019, August 21). Clinician’s Guide for Cannabidiol and Cannabis Oil. Retrieved on January 7, 2021 from

5Argueta, DA, Ventura, CM, Kiven, S., Sagi, V., & Gupta, K. (2020). A balancing method using cannabidiol in chronic pain. Frontiers of Pharmacology, 11, 561.

6Iuvone T, Esposito G, Esposito R, Santamaria R, Di Rosa M, Izzo AA. The neuroprotective effect of cannabidiol (a non-psychoactive component from cannabis) on ?-amyloid-induced toxicity in PC12 cells. Journal of Neurochemistry. February 2004; 89(1):134-41. Retrieved on January 7, 2021, from

7Costa B, Trovato AE, Comelli F, Giagnoni G, Colleoni M. Cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive cannabis component, is an effective oral therapeutic agent for chronic inflammation and neuropathic pain in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2007 February 5; 556(1-3): 75-83. Retrieved on January 7, 2021 from

8Hampson AJ, Grimaldi M, Axelrod J, Wink D. Cannabidiol, and (-) ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neuroprotective antioxidants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 1998 July 7; 95(14): 8268-73. Retrieved on January 7, 2021, from


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