Smugglers were arrested after finding more than 100 migrants in a truck near the Mexican border because agents found a hiding place

Smugglers were arrested after finding more than 100 migrants in a truck near the Mexican border because agents found a hiding place



A smuggler was arrested after more than 100 migrants were found crowded in a truck near the Mexican border. A few days later, agents discovered three hiding places.

Texas On Monday, state police stopped a semi-truck, which was reportedly packed with 105 immigrants, trying to smuggle them to the United States.


More than 100 immigrants were found crowded in a trailer in TexasImage source: Texas Department of Public Safety-Southern Texas
Border Patrol agents arrested people suspected of smuggling


Border Patrol agents arrested people suspected of smugglingCredit: Reuters

The truck stopped near Laredo, a small town in southern Texas near the Mexican border. According to Fox News.

According to reports, truck driver Michael Warren McCoy (Michael Warren McCoy) was arrested for human smuggling and detained in Weber County Jail.

In the previous week, border patrol agents in the El Paso area discovered three separate hiding places near the Mexican border, as well as more than $600,000 worth of methamphetamine.

Hidden house found

On Thursday, agents found 67 immigrants in a trailer in Chaparral, New Mexico. According to KDBC.

The day before, agents discovered a hideout in San Elisario, Texas, containing 43 immigrants.

They also found methamphetamine worth more than 19 pounds, with an estimated value of US$635,200.

On the same day, the agents found another hiding place in Vado. New Mexico There are 24 immigrants hidden inside.

The hideout is used by smugglers as a place to hide migrants until they can move further to the country.

according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)Since the beginning of this year, about 1 million people have been arrested for trying to illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

The number of arrests in June alone was 188,829, up from 180,641 last month.

Joe BidenThe government is facing increasingly stringent scrutiny of the border situation.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott lashed out at the government and state Democrats Who chooses to leave to prevent the voting bill from passing, In a tweet on Monday.

“Since Biden Harris took office, more than one million immigrants have been arrested at the border,” Abbott wrote.

“Democrats must return to Austin to ensure law enforcement has the funds needed to meet this record-breaking challenge.”

Agents found hundreds of immigrants squeezed into the hideout


Agents found hundreds of immigrants squeezed into the hideoutImage source: Border Patrol
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