Bosnia commemorates the 26th anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide | Genocide News

Bosnia commemorates the 26th anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide | Genocide News



Nineteen newly identified victims were buried at the ceremony, which marked the killing of more than 8,000 Muslim Bosnians by Serb forces.

Thousands of people in Bosnia and Herzegovina gathered to commemorate the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, the only recognized genocide in Europe since World War II, and buried 19 newly identified victims.

The Serbian army executed more than 8,000 Muslim Bosnians, most of them men and boys. They will be commemorated in a series of events on Sunday, and they will be re-buried in mass graves and recently identified through DNA analysis.

26 years after their murder, 16 men, two teenage boys and a woman will be buried in a memorial cemetery at the entrance of the eastern town, along with more than 6,600 other massacre victims who have been reburied there. Together.

Every year on July 11, the anniversary of the beginning of the 1995 massacre, newly identified victims receive a dignified funeral.

Kadefa Rizvanovic lost 20 male relatives in the massacre and has yet to find all the remains: “I went to bed and drink coffee, and came to visit the graves of my husband and his brothers and pray. .” Among them, told the Associated Press news agency.

“My uncle and uncle are also buried here. I pray for them and all the victims in Srebrenica,” she added.

Al Jazeera’s Tarik Durmisevic reported from Srebrenica that about 6,700 victims were buried in the memorial cemetery.

“About 1,000 [more] Some of the remains have been identified, but the families of the victims are unwilling to bury them because they hope to find more remains,” he said, adding that there are about 1,000 victims still considered missing.

Most of the victims of the Holocaust attempted to flee after Srebrenica was occupied by the Bosnian Serbian army on July 11, 1995, the day when the fratricidal war in Bosnia was about to end in 1992-95. He was hunted down in the nearby forest and executed summary execution.

Their bodies were hurriedly dug into mass graves, then excavated with bulldozers, and scattered among other cemeteries to hide criminal evidence.

The Srebrenica massacre was the culmination of a bloody war between the three main ethnic factions in the country-Serbs, Croats and Bosniacs-after the collapse of Yugoslavia.

Before a peace agreement was reached in 1995, more than 100,000 people were killed in the conflict.


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