The latest news from the Royal Family-Harry “don’t want anymore” in the U.S. after insulting millions of people after commenting on the “Bonks” First Amendment

The latest news from the Royal Family-Harry “don’t want anymore” in the U.S. after insulting millions of people after commenting on the “Bonks” First Amendment



Prince Charles praises young workers

The Prince of Wales praised young workers for their “inspiring” efforts to achieve reconciliation in Northern Ireland.

As part of the two-day tour, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall met with many young workers at the Education Bureau headquarters in central Belfast.

“I can’t tell you how inspiring it is to hear the tireless work being done by young workers from all walks of life in the community, I just want to take this opportunity to pay special tribute to your dedication and commitment to the cause of peaceful coexistence,” he said. Belfast Telegraph.

“We must not underestimate the risks of adhering to a peaceful approach. Of course, we must also underestimate the cost and the amount of determination and courage that must be made.

“Everyone I met here today and many more colleagues in your community demonstrated these qualities in the most challenging situations.

“We owe you a deep gratitude, and the most important thing is admiration.”


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