Meet the host of the meeting! – TEDMED Blog

Meet the host of the meeting! – TEDMED Blog



As Information 2020 Coming soon, we are happy to announce our 2020 conference host.To play an indispensable role in TEDMED, our conference host will guide us to complete amazing work Stage show, Which helps to link the topics and ideas shared by the speakers throughout the plan.In addition to working on the stage at TEDMED, all of our conference hosts generously provided their time and expertise as our members Editorial Advisory Committee (EAB) is committed to shaping the program itself.

In the next few weeks, we will share some details about our approach Speaker, innovator, partner Gather with delegates, go beyond the stage, and share their voices in curated conversations and gatherings hosted on-site.if there is not Registered There is still time to join us and become part of the live community at TEDMED 2020.


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