Healthy Exercise 2030-Healthy Exercise 2030

Healthy Exercise 2030-Healthy Exercise 2030



Bogi Eliasen is the health director of the Copenhagen Institute for the Future. This blog post was co-authored with Rolf Hoenger, head of Roche Pharmaceuticals Latin America and Rifat Atun, professor of global health systems at Harvard University.

Movimiento Salud 2030 is a bold initiative, launched simultaneously in 9 countries in 2020. The aim is to improve the health system in Latin America to provide better and fairer health outcomes.

Movimiento Salud 2030 promotes a wide range of cross-industry and transnational cooperation through a top-down and bottom-up coordination approach, by incorporating local national ecosystems into leaders in related fields. Movimiento Salud 2030 supports specific solutions initiated to address the challenges faced by local stakeholders in order to transform the health system in Latin America to become better and more sustainable by 2030.

Due to travel restrictions and crisis handling time requirements for participants in many countries/regions, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed weaknesses in the Latin American health system and has brought challenges to the construction of Movimiento Salud 2030.

However, since the COVID-19 pandemic has clarified this need and stakeholders have also understood the motivation to build a better health system, we have managed to overcome the obstacles of COVID-19. We have been online for a whole year in 2020 and have been so successful that the Movimiento Salud 2030 concept will soon be promoted globally, with a view to becoming the world’s leading healthcare innovation network.

The first step of the plan is to conduct a comprehensive literature review and more extensive research, conduct interviews, and facilitate expert round tables with a view to not only outlining the biggest challenges, but also providing opportunities and ways to realize them. When identifying challenges, the purpose is to identify the real bottlenecks of transformative change and assess how to deal with the challenges.

This led to the selection of four focus areas, with one-fifth links between them, namely interoperability. In the process, we also learned that low-budget execution is one of the obstacles (if not the biggest) to creating change.

The four key areas will be established simultaneously in the ecosystems of their respective countries and across the borders of the region.

The fifth element that is not visible in the above model is interoperability, which is necessary to deliver integrated care supported by digital capabilities that allow the system to collect, analyze, and share relevant data related to patients.

To the Peruvian pilot

One of the main findings of Latin American research, interviews and round tables is that budget execution is a huge challenge in many countries. Most Latin American countries have relatively low public expenditures on health. In addition, many countries also face challenges in implementing budgets. Therefore, most of the scarce resources that are not spent have exacerbated the insufficiency of health services.

To solve these challenges, Movimiento Salud 2030 has discovered an opportunity to develop a solution that focuses on doing the right thing correctly, that is, using the allocated budget for the right thing without causing unnecessary waste.

When former Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra promised to substantially increase the health budget in his annual speech to the country on July 28, 2020, the Movimento Salod 2030 Consortium responded quickly and established in Peru A task force. In addition, we had a dialogue with key opinion leaders, including the former Minister of Health, on how to improve Peru’s health system.

We focus on how to solve the challenge of low budget execution, while also improving the quality of medical services, especially now, as more funds may have to be allocated to the health system, while keeping in mind that the execution of the medical budget is approximately US$20 billion . 65-70% in many parts of Peru.

Respondents believe that through regional pilots based on real-time digital data management systems, an integrated overall solution is best achieved, in which the challenges identified by the respondents can be solved through comprehensive, integrated and resolved challenges . The overall way.

Peru’s health system is very complex. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of data systems and analysis tools that link plans, budgets and goals, visualize business processes, and evaluate budget execution delays. This function is urgently needed, so payers (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance) and service providers can continuously learn the necessary intelligence to provide a basis for real-time decision-making and track resource usage.

Despite the many challenges, we chose to focus on better budget execution in the Peru pilot because it can promote further development in other areas. We handle budget execution at four levels: legislative, institutional, operational, and instrumental budgets. Legislation includes solutions such as reviewing legislation, establishing a unified funding pool and reducing dispersion.

Institution-level functions include establishing a needs assessment department, reviewing budget management, establishing a digital data system, and establishing an interdisciplinary “delivery department.” At the operational level, we focus on creating digital courses for demonstration projects and budget planning. Finally, at the tool level, establish a three- to five-year transition plan, create standard operating procedures, and conduct quarterly budget reviews.

All in all, the Peruvian pilot is solving the challenge of the digital structure, because the digital structure is solving the challenge in the following step-by-step manner to create a better and more sustainable digital structure of the health system, thereby laying the foundation for the health system. The necessary infrastructure for information with traceability, transparency and responsibility.

The Peruvian pilot will be introduced by the Peruvian Ministry of Health, the Cusco Regional Government and the Movimiento Salud 2030 team at 11:00 Lima time on March 4th. Come join the discussion!

HIMSS Latam and El Movimiento Salud 2030 will cooperate to develop a digital health ecosystem in Latin America.Learn more on Movimiento Salud 2030 Home page.


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