Philadelphia Injury Lawyer Joel J. Kofsky Offers 2018 College Scholarship

Philadelphia Injury Lawyer Joel J. Kofsky Offers 2018 College Scholarship


Philadelphia, PA, USA, 06/05/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

The Law Offices of Joel J. Kofsky, Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer, is sponsoring a 2018 college scholarship. To apply, qualified students must write an essay on improving awareness of the dangers of texting and driving

The firm will award one $1,500 scholarship to one student who is pursuing post-secondary education in the fall of 2018.

To apply, students must submit an essay between 500 and 1,000 words addressing the dangers of texting and driving and how the student plans to educate the public about the issue. Essays must also contain a paragraph at the end describing the post-secondary program the student plans to attend. This paragraph does not count toward the essays total word count.

Applicants must email their essay to [email protected]. The body of the email must include the students name, address, and phone number. Essays can be attached as a Word or PDF document.

All applications and essays must be received by May 18, 2018.

The firm will select three finalists, whose names will be posted on the firms website and social channels. The firm will select a winner in June 2018.

The scholarship competition is open to all post-secondary students pursuing all degrees or majors.

According to the National Safety Council, cell phone use behind the wheel contributes to 1.6 million car accidents every year. At any given time, there are about 660,000 motorists on their phones while driving.

Teens and young people are especially vulnerable to the dangers of texting and driving. The National Safety Council also reports that 11 teenage motorists die each day due to texting behind the wheel. A poll conducted by AAA reveals that 94 percent of teen motorists understand the perils of texting and driving, however, 35 percent say they engage in texting and driving despite knowing the risks.

Any questions about the scholarship competition can be directed toward The Law Offices of Joel J. Kofsky at 215-735-4800. Applicants can also visit the firms scholarship page at here.


Social Media Tags:Philadelphia Injury Lawyer, 2018 college scholarship, Philadelphia Injury Lawyer Joel J. Kofsky, Scholarship Competition

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