Dallas, Texas — With the dramatic surge in the use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, by an increasingly older demographic, some innovative personal injury law firms are working hard to use these media to spread their message as broadly as possible. The fact is that networking has always been an integral part of every law practice and marketing is all about spreading the word and creating top-of-mind awareness.
As more firms create Facebook profiles and add more and more fans (clients & vendors) it will become apparent that many of these group members can help your law firm grow your business. For many people Facebook and Twitter have become virtual online versions of the telephone for staying in touch with family and friends.
Potential clients can keep up to date on community events that your firm is sponsoring, view video or TV spots, meet new members of the firm, get recommendations from current clients and as the networks grow in size, the question becomes, will social media become the new word-of-mouth.
In addition to keeping potential clients informed, social media is a great way to make prospects feel positive about your firm and that good will can be spread through the social networks if you attract the right mix of members to your group. When your fans visit your page, firm sponsored community events; socially relevant related groups and recent news linked to your page are a great way to further the word-of-mouth benefit.
As with any medium the advantage goes to those personal injury firms that take advantage first and don’t have to break the clutter that is to come.
For more information on social network marketing of attorneys please contact: Rene Perras
Press Release Contact Information:
Kevin Quinlan Phone: 561.346.2556