OxyContin approved for use in children 11 and older by FDA

OxyContin approved for use in children 11 and older by FDA


08/13/2015 // JusticeNewsFlash // (press release)

Washington – The Food and Drug Administration has given approval for the painkiller OxyContin to be used in children ages 11 to 16 for the alleviation of long-term, severe pain. The Associated Press reported that the agency gave the approval on Thursday.

OxyContin is an opioid long administered for the treatment of around-the-clock pain in adults. The FDA requested that Purdue Pharma research the use of the extended release drug in children.

Sharon Hertz, an FDA drug division director, stated of the matter in a post online “This program was intended to fill a knowledge gap and provide experienced health care practitioners with the specific information they need to use OxyContin safely in pediatric patients.”

In accordance with the new approval guidelines, doctors may only prescribe the medication to children who already exhibit a tolerance of a minimum 20-milligram dosage of oxycodone.

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Url: https://www.justicenewsflash.com/oxycontin-approved-for-use-in-children-11-and-older-by-fda_13502.html

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