05/14/2015 // JusticeNewsFlash // (press release)
Texas – Investigators are still working to determine the cause of a tractor-trailer crash on a partially constructed bridge in Salado that occurred in March. According to an AP report, Senior Trooper Harpin Myers recently stated that driver inattentiveness and the hauling of an oversized load were both deemed factors in the accident.
The crash, which occurred after the big rig struck the bridge on Interstate 35, lead to the death of an Arlington man. A part of a concrete beam landed on the motorist’s vehicle during the incident. Two other people were also injured as well as the 41-year-old driver of the tractor-trailer Valentin Martinez.
The accident led to the Central Texas interstate being shut down for hours. Myers further stated that other factors such as possible mehachanical failure of the tractor-trailer were still being reviewed.
No charges have reportedly been filed in connection with the crash.
Media Information:
Phone: 866-598-1315
Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/texas-investigators-continue-review-of-fatal-tractor-crash-on-bridge_13251.html