03/12/2015 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
U.S. – Palcohol is now legal for sale in the United States. As reported by WebProNews, the controversial substance has been greenlighted by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
Despite the approval from the bureau; however, it is uncertain whether Palcohol, or powered alcohol, will actually be seen in stores throughout the country. The company seeking to make the substance popular has stated it hopes to have it available for sale by the summer, but says the effort has been met with controversy.
Palcohol is quoted as stating on their website, “Many states are moving to ban powdered alcohol. Why? Because the liquor industry is against it and they want to squash competition and protect their market share. The liquor companies have lots of money to lobby for what they want and we are no match for their deep pockets. But should big money be allowed to make the laws?”
CBS News recently reported on the matter, “On Wednesday, bureau spokesman Tom Hogue told The Associated Press the issues were resolved and that four varieties of Palcohol were approved. But Hogue noted that states can also regulate alcohol sales in their borders.”
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/powdered-alcohol-approved-for-sale-in-the-us_13009.html