Matt Cutts continues extended leave from Google

Matt Cutts continues extended leave from Google


12/22/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Los Angeles – Google web spam team leader and search quality expert Matt Cutts has taken an extended leave from the company, but recently posted about what’s to be expected in his new role down the line. As reported by WebProNews, Cutts stated that among other things he will continue to make posts on the Webmaster Tools blog.

Cutts is quoted as writing on his personal blog, “You’re still going to see me blogging on the Webmaster Tools blog and I’ll be at the conferences as well. But as you’ve become accustomed to lately, you’ll also hear more voices than just mine in the mix. This means more and deeper insights from the various teams within Bing and part of my new role will be to keep this train charging down the tracks!”

Cutts also stated that he would be working to help develop new ways to increase engagement with “data-level opportunities for businesses.”

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