Florida judge seeks anger management after allegedly punching public defender

Florida judge seeks anger management after allegedly punching public defender


06/03/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Orlando, Florida – A Florida judge stepped down to seek anger management counseling after allegedly punching a public defender in the face. As reported by Reuters, the decision comes after video footage surfaced of Brevard County Judge John Murphy challenging attorney Andrew Weinstock to settle a dispute over how a trial date would be scheduled outside of the courtroom.

According to Weinstock’s boss, Public Defender Blaise Trettis, the judge got upset over Weinstock’s refusal to waive the right of his client to a speedy trial. Florida law grants defendants the right to trial within 90 days in misdemeanor cases and 175 days for felony cases.

Murphy can be heard on the video footage stating, “If you want to fight, let’s go out back and I’ll just beat your ass.”

Trettis is quoted as stating of the altercation that subsequently ensued, “According to the lawyer, the judge grabbed him about the collar as soon as he walked into the hallway and began punching him in the head, and the lawyer just tried to stop the blows. And the deputies came into the hallway and pulled the judge off the lawyer.”

18th Circuit Chief Judge Harris released a statement following the incident saying, “Judge Murphy has agreed to seek anger management counseling and treatment during a temporary leave of absence.”

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Florida Legal News

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