Mother of fallen firefighter alleges negligence in Yarnell Hill fire

Mother of fallen firefighter alleges negligence in Yarnell Hill fire


11/16/2013 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Arizona – The mother of a firefighter who was killed by the Yarnell Hill wildfire in June is reportedly seeking $36 million for purported negligence. As reported by ABC News, Marcia McKee recently filed a notice of claim seeking $12 million each from the state of Arizona, City of Prescott, and Yavapai County alleging that the entities’ negligence led to the death of her 21-year-old son Grant.

Grant McKee died in the deadly blaze on June 30. Several other members of his Granite Mountain Hotshots crew also perished in the fire. McKee accuses the authorities of violating all 10 of the mandatory Standard Firefighting Orders, which are designed to prevent injuries and deaths of firefighters, in the claim.

McKee is quoted as writing, “It’s not supposed to be like this…No more Mother’s Day cards or phone calls. Nor will I ever get to see him walk down the aisle or be called grandma. My life was also taken that day because he was my life.”

McKee’s attorney, Craig Knapp of Knapp & Roberts, is further quoted as stating of his client, “She wants answers of what happened to her son…Most importantly she wants the truth to come out so that changes can be made for other hot shots crew members.”

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Arizona Personal Injury News

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