Identification of Tennessee bus crash victims may take days troopers say

Identification of Tennessee bus crash victims may take days troopers say


10/02/2013 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Tennessee – The identification of some of those killed in a Tennessee bus crash may take days according to the highway patrol. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), Sgt. Bill Miller said on Thursday that some of the victims in the fiery crash had been severely burned and dental records are expected to be used by forensic teams for making identifications of some of the eight victims.

As noted by the AP, a North Carolina church bus crashed on Wednesday after blowing a tire while traveling on Interstate 40. Fourteen people were injured in the accident, which also involved a tractor-trailer and a sport utility vehicle.

It was not clear at the time of the report who the driver of the bus was at the time of the incident. According to Miller, the circumstances of the accident are still under investigation.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Tennessee Legal News

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