Harry Reid: Republican offer will be considered after government reopens

Harry Reid: Republican offer will be considered after government reopens


10/01/2013 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Washington – U.S. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid suggested on Tuesday that Democrats would not consider the latest budget offer by Republicans until they agree to open the government. As reported by Reuters, the government officially shut down Tuesday following a stalemate on negotiations between Congressional Democrats and Republicans regarding the passage of spending legislation.

Reid, who said he had yet to review details of a new plan by Republicans in the House of Representatives, is quoted as stating, “Are they opening the government; that’s the first thing they should do… If they (House Republicans) open the government, we’d be happy to go to conference with them; we’d be happy to consider those bills.”

Republicans previously stated that they would only agree to pass legislation that included measures to slow the implementation of President Barack Obama’s healthcare plan. They are now reportedly trying to reopen other federal programs while seeking to restart negotiations on funding for other facets of the government.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Washington Legal News

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