04/10/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
Phoenix – A Phoenix man was charged in the killing of his wife whom he purportedly feared he had given HIV to. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), Eugene Maraventano, 64, allegedly killed both his wife and son out of fear that he had given her a disease after he had slept with prostitutes.
Maraventano is stated to have stabbed his son also because he had no job and he didn’t know what would become of him after he committed suicide as he had planned.
There has reportedly been no confirmation as to whether either Maraventano or his wife tested positive for HIV.
Maraventano is currently in jail on $2 million bail.
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Media Information:
Address: 215 South Olive Suite 300 W. Palm Beach FL 33401
Phone: 866-598-1315
Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/man-stabs-kills-wife-after-fearing-giving-her-hiv_9074.html