Alaska woman acquitted in death of husband

Alaska woman acquitted in death of husband


04/08/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Alaska – An Alaska woman has been acquitted of murder charges in the shooting death of her husband. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), Lisa Donlon was found not guilty on all counts of second-degree murder, manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide by a jury last week.

Donlon reportedly shot her husband while he was sleeping. According to the defense, Jason Donlon had prior to the shooting, tortured his wife for three days, holding her against her will.

The couple married in 1995, and Lisa Donlon obtained a restraining order against her husband in 2006. She is quoted as writing in her petition for the order, “He packed his things, told the kids ‘bye… Twenty minutes later he came back with his two loaded guns. He was trying to force me to call the police because he wanted to be shot by police officers so it wouldn’t look like a suicide.”

Jason Donlon was killed in 2010. The incident was reported by his wife after she shot him.

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