02/20/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
Phoenix, Arizona – A woman who has been accused of having involvement in the death of her boyfriend is claiming that she doesn’t recall stabbing him or other details about the killing. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), Jodi Arias, 32, testified Wednesday that there was a gap in her memory when it came to trying to remember what occurred in the killing of Travis Alexander in 2008.
Arias is quoted by the AP as stating in response to a question about remembering the events that unfolded on that day, “I have no memory of stabbing him… I remember dropping the knife and it clinked on the tile … And I just remember screaming. I don’t remember anything after that.”
Prosecutors accuse Arias of planning the killing, in which Alexander was stabbed 27 times and shot in the head. His throat was also cut.
Arias has claimed that she killed Alexander in self-defense.
Justice News Flash delivers the latest in Arizona legal news.
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Address: 215 South Olive Suite 300 W. Palm Beach FL 33401
Phone: 866-598-1315
Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/arizona-killing-suspect-doesnt-recall-parts-of-incident_8764.html