01/25/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
China – Apple has dropped a Chinese manufacturer alleged to have employed underage workers. As reported by ABC News, the technology giant cut business ties with Guangdong Real Faith Pingzhou Electronics after a report revealed that it had employed workers who were under the age of 16.
Apple is quoted by ABC News as stating in its Supplier Responsibility Report, “Our auditors were dismayed to discover 74 cases of workers under age 16 — a core violation of our Code of Conduct. As a result, we terminated our business relationship with PZ.”
The company further stated in the report, “The children were returned to their families, and PZ was required to pay expenses to facilitate their successful return.”
The company has asserted that it is working on improving labor conditions at the factories of Chinese contractors it does business with.
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/apple-drops-manufacturer-for-use-of-underage-workers_8616.html