School offering a course on “The Law of Elon Musk”: How the Law Restricts

School offering a course on “The Law of Elon Musk”: How the Law Restricts


Elon musk has been involved in legal battles beginning with his Tesla compensation issue, various securities investigations, the SolarCity purchase and recent court cases Twitter.

Now a California-based law school is offering its students a course that focuses on it musk legal conflicts.

For the next semester UCLA Law School will present the Law of Elon Musk course, the corporate law expert Professor Stephen Bainbridge will teach.

Of course summary It says: “As someone who manages an immense amount of other people’s money, Musk faces a constant temptation to pursue his interests and goals instead of focusing on the well-being of those who have entrusted him with their savings.”

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“This course explores how the law restricts (or doesn’t) musk Deviations from shareholder interests.”

The course summary also mentions that Musk has generated an enormous amount of corporate and securities lawsuits. In many situations, Musk’s boundless style led to the creation of new laws.

The organizing principle of this course is what economists call the principal-agent problem.

During a recent interview with NY Magazinesaid Bainbridge musk produces a lot of interesting case law from Delaware. For example, there’s a pending case on his Tesla CEO compensation package, which is a great case because it’s going to seem like an outrageous amount of money to students.

“There are all these cases from different areas, all affecting Musk. Given how well-known he is this year with Twitter and all, I thought this would be a way to really get the students’ attention,” he added.

Photo: Courtesy of Thomas Falk on flickr

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