Links 2/4/2022 | naked capitalism

Links 2/4/2022 | naked capitalism



Kleptomaniac New Zealand parrot steals GoPro, films airborne escape Guardian

Alabama man accused of keeping meth-fueled ‘attack squirrel’ faces new charges NBC

Investors wipes more than $220bn from value of Facebook owner Meta FT. That’s a damn shame.

Blockchain startups landed record $25B in 2021 Payments Dive

Food Prices Approach Record Highs, Threatening the World’s Poorest NYT


More on that horrid and institutional credibility-destroying (here; here) Johns Hopkins meta-study:


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The Covid Vaccine We Need Now May Not Be a Shot NYT. Nasal vaccines. One more thing that should have been done a year ago.

South African scientists copy Moderna’s COVID vaccine Nature

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High Rates of Rapid Antigen Test Positivity After 5 Days of Isolation for COVID-19 medRvix (Stillfeelinthebern). From the Abstract: “More than 40% of vaccinated HCW who felt well enough to work still had positive RAT tests when presenting for a first test between days 5 and 10. Boosted individuals were nearly 3x as likely to result positive on day 5, their first day eligible for return, and ~2x as likely to result positive on first RAT overall. New guidance provides clearance to exit isolation after 5 days from symptom onset, without the need for a negative rapid antigen test to exit, as long as symptoms are beginning to resolve. Per CDC, the guidance was driven by prior studies, mostly collected before Omicron and before most people were vaccinated or infected, that reported on symptom onset beginning one or more days after peak virus loads.” Per CDC, the guidance was driven.” Commentary:

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (Variant Delta) from Pet Hamsters to Humans and Onward Human Propagation of the Adapted Strain: A Case Study (Lancet preprint) SSRN. From the Discusssion: “Our findings provide the first documented evidence of efficient animal-to-animal transmission of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 in pet Syrian hamsters, hamster-to-human zoonotic jump and further onward spread between humans.” Nature’s clickbait headline — “How sneezing hamsters sparked a COVID outbreak in Hong Kong” is reprehensible less than responsible. Neither Nature’s own article nor the full preprint paper discuss the method of transmission (whether aerosol, droplet, fecal, or anything else). The headline is, however, useful since — hold onto your hats here, folks — it reinforces droplet transmission.

Use of disinfectants an effective way to keep Omicron at bay The Nation (Furzy Mouse). I can’t track down the Japanese study, but the source is credible. So this is an issue to watch:

So now we have to worry about fomites, for real? (Fortunately, the headline reads “an” not “the,” so, layered defense.)

SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers paracrine senescence and leads to a sustained senescence-associated inflammatory response Nature. In vitro and mice. From the Abstract: “The sustained infection-induced paracrine senescence described here may be involved in the long-term inflammation caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

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CDC introduces a wastewater dashboard:

Good idea, should have been done a year ago.

Medicare Will Start Covering Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests NECN. There is, naturally, an eligibility requirement: Medicare Part B.


Cocktails and hazmat suits mingle in the Beijing Olympics bubble Reuters. The author seems shocked and insulted that journalists from the “Let ’er rip” West are subject to precautions…. Ya know what wouid be really dystopian? Millions of Chinese people choking to death from the red mush in their lungs. That’s what. Video:

You reap what you sow. More from the same reporter:

“One of the workers said wearing the protective clothing put him at ease, which is understandable.” Dystopian indeed!

Putin and Xi rebuke US at summit that underlines closer ties FT


NUG’s forces carry out bomb attacks across Yangon on coup anniversary Myanmar Now. During the “silent strike.”

Crisis, climate and emerging roles for armed ethnic groups Frontier Myanmar. “Many of the most extensive old growth forests and biodiversity hotspots in all of mainland Southeast Asia are located in areas under the control or influence of Myanmar’s ethnic armed organisations….”

Why we are here Mekong Review


PM launches Partygate purge: ‘Party Marty’ Reynolds and Chief of Staff Dan Rosenfield are axed as No10 reels from shock resignations of Boris’s key policy and comms aides – while ‘coup plotting’ Rishi Sunak REFUSES to back his boss over Jimmy Savile jibe Daily Mail. Good thing for the Tories their bench is so strong. Oh, wait….

EU to remind Britain that N.Ireland border checks are required France24. Commentary:

Spain passes landmark labor reform thanks to ‘computer error’ Deutche Welle

New Cold War

Lawmakers emerge from Russia-Ukraine briefings bracing for invasion The Hill

Russia plans ‘very graphic’ fake video as pretext for Ukraine invasion, US claims Guardian

US offered disarmament measures to Russia in exchange for deescalation of military threat in Ukraine El Pais

MSM Pundits Push Idea That Criticizing US Policy On Russia Makes You A Russian Agent Caitlin Johnstone. As does the Biden Administration:

For me, the most frightening part of all this is the slowly dawning realization that these “officials” are not being Machiavellian; they actually believe what they’re saying. All of which renders them unfit to be running a lemonade stand, let alone the foreign policy of a nuclear power.

The Hymn of the World War also Thanksgiving War and Dead Harp from the Mirror Mirror cycle Hinko Smrekar. From 1933, still germane. More here.

UN names Moscow best world city to live in RT

Biden Administration

Get used to the Powell Ratchet Axios

Feature Article: Robot Dogs Take Another Step Towards Deployment at the Border (press release) Department of Homeland Security. Commentary:

‘Havana Syndrome’ symptoms in small group most likely caused by directed energy, says US intel panel of experts NBC. This story just won’t die. So far as I know, The Blob has never assessed the possibility of mass hysteria as a cause.

Supply Chain

Supplier Goodwill toward OEMs Has Run Dry IndustryWeek

What happened to the chocolate milk? In rural Maine, a supply chain mystery. WaPo

Our Famously Free Press

CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota says Jeff Zucker resignation ‘feels wrong’ CNN

Reactions to the US Military Operation Against ISIS Leader Narratives Project. Hmm….

Health Care

Neither Chaos Nor Quest: Toward a Nonnarrative Medicine Boston Review

Imperial Collapse Watch

Ray Dalio: America ‘On Classic Path To Civil War’ Heisenberg Report. So go long…. what?

Class Warfare

Byron King On Canadian Maple Leaf Revolution Andrei Martyanov, Reminiscence of the Future

All-American Hell Is Breaking Out in Canada Charles Pierce, Esquire

Using military to end trucker protest ‘not in the cards’: Trudeau Agence France Presse

As Workers Resist, the Left Recoils Wrong Kind of Green

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GM Mexico workers elect independent union by wide margin Automotive News

A sad defeat:

Money is power Cory Doctorow, Pluralistic. “Monopoly was converted to money, money to power, power to policy.” And so it goes.

EchidnaCSI: Engaging the public in research and conservation of the short-beaked echidna PNAS. Citizen science.

The Anarchist-designed DIY Heaters Saving Lives of Unhoused People HyperAllergic

Antidote du jour (via):

Bonus antidote. It’s been a long time since I looked in at Maru:

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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