Can weed help you through a dry January?

Can weed help you through a dry January?



We got to this point in a dry January, which can get tricky for some of us. We all do it for different reasons, from generally having a healthy month to trying to kick a dangerous habit. If you’re not an alcoholic, you’ll probably be fine. However, if you have an alcohol addiction problem, you may have difficulty. Going through a full month without an addictive substance might be a great step toward breaking the habit entirely, but the first four weeks are nearly impossible. That’s where weed comes in, especially if you’re not usually a heavy smoker. As someone who has used marijuana to overcome drinking habits, I can certainly say that I am not alone. An entire internet addict is talking about how they use marijuana to overcome alcoholism. You might think this is just substituting one addiction for another, but it’s not. Let’s take a look at the differences between marijuana and alcohol, as well as some of the claims that have found occasional smoking to be an excellent substitute for excessive drinking.

Alcohol and Weed

Most people think marijuana is more dangerous because it is still largely illegal, while alcohol is not. Absolutely not, the reasons why one is allowed and the other is not are much more complex and have a long history. I could discuss this at length, but I need far more than an article, and I may be accused of rudely straying from the subject at hand. Essentially, alcohol is an ingrained part of our society. As an adult, it’s hard to go to a single event or social gathering that doesn’t involve most of the participants. It also means that if you are alcohol dependent, you may feel that you need to avoid all social activities for the foreseeable future to avoid temptation.

Not only is alcohol more widely used, it’s actually a more dangerous substance, despite being legal. Millions of people suffer alcohol-related deaths every year, and we know that alcohol is more addictive than marijuana, and more likely to be consumed in excess. Excessive drinking can cause serious hangovers, skin problems, lethargy and a whole host of other problems long before it can lead to death. Would you like to know approximately how many marijuana-related deaths occur each year? Last year, it was estimated that around 30,000 of the UK’s millions smoked, but this was only a death certificate that mentioned cannabis and not necessarily a direct cause of death. Essentially, it’s so rare that it’s hard to even tell if a death was caused by marijuana use. Because of its legal status, marijuana is clearly harder to obtain than alcohol, and many people find it harder to overeat, often ending up being too sleepy, passing out, and then feeling mostly better the next day.

How Weed Helps Quit Alcohol

If you try dry January due to severe alcohol problems, you may experience withdrawal. Alcohol withdrawal can be scary, and it often brings people back to drinking. Symptoms range from tremors and general anxiety to hallucinations, fever and even death. Cannabis can greatly help reduce these symptoms during the detox phase you may be currently going through. If you are an extreme alcoholic, it is not recommended to quit cold turkey without consulting a doctor. But if you’re just trying to get over less severe but still unpleasant symptoms, weed may be your best friend.

You probably know that marijuana is commonly used to treat a variety of symptoms caused by serious mental and physical illnesses. These symptoms often include anxiety, depression, nausea, loss of appetite, and many other problems that can arise when trying to stop drinking. In this sense, marijuana can help you complete the evacuation and get off the other side more comfortably.

If you’re like me, you’re not addicted to alcohol and probably won’t quit, but definitely have problems regulating your drinking. I found my problem was overeating and I couldn’t do it with marijuana. Of course some people are, but even then it may not be as intense as overeating. For me personally it works well as my alcohol tolerance is very high and my weed tolerance is not. If I have the urge to have a drink, which is essentially the urge to change my state of mind, I’m able to have a joint that not only basically resolves the craving, usually it means I’m just too drunk to think about getting drunk. However, even with a small amount of weed, the brain is affected by something foreign and it needs to satisfy the urge to drink.

Of course, this is my personal experience, but there are certainly others who have successfully used marijuana to overcome alcohol dependence. I won’t link to any specific articles today, but there are a few stories of how alcoholics or alcohol-dependent people use cannabis to replace and defeat it. Sure, it could be swapping one vice for another, but it’s far less dangerous. If you smoke or smoke weed in a way that doesn’t involve marijuana or smoking, it’s far less dangerous than a nightly waste.

I think many of us are also more palatable when we’re excited than when we’re drunk. We can sit with your friends and enjoy movies, food, board games without having to be in a crowded bar or maybe start yelling at someone. Everyone’s seen the wasted guy running down the street doing his best to sing and trying to hit the bouncer. How many stone people have you seen doing the same thing?

If you’re struggling to hold on to a dry January, maybe grab some buds and spend a chilly night with some friends and a vaporizer, and I bet you’ll have a better time than a bar.

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