And happy new year!

And happy new year!





For 4,540,927,002nd Time, the third planet from the sun once again returned to the randomly assigned point on the orbit that we thought was the end of the year.

Aha, humans tend to impose structure on chaos! Organize celestial mechanics into a useful order for our lives.

The position of the blue sphere that we call home relative to the fusion fireball in the sky is meaningful-especially if you are a farmer, but even for those of us who don’t work outdoors under the big sky, You can still feel the traction of the moon, the rainy and dry seasons, the changes in day length and light. We are now in 60 days of darkness, and this month lies on either side of the shortest day of the year.1

Have you ever wondered why we make New Year’s Eve so important? I suspect this is a tacit understanding that time is the most precious and scarce of all our assets. The value of stocks, bonds, real estate, art, and cash fluctuates, but time will only become more valuable as we spend more.

However, we can Forgotten: Take some time to think about the progress of this year-and so fast-and what you expect for the next year.

4.5 billion is a big number; therefore, for convenience, we prefer to use a 4-digit counter. I hope you use #2021 to indicate that traveling around the sun is a pleasant trip, full of health, happiness and love. In the coming year, numbered 2022, I wish everyone peace, health, happiness and rich wisdom.





1. At least, in the northern hemisphere. The southern hemisphere is enjoying 60 days of light-this is the period when the sun is highest in the sky and the day lasts the longest.


Post And happy new year! First appeared in Big picture.


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