Comfortable hot cannabis drink: Part 2

Comfortable hot cannabis drink: Part 2



Welcome back to the cozy hot cannabis drink, this is the best way to relax this Christmas. Last time we saw various weed hot chocolates and some lovely homemade hemp herbal teas. Now, I want to use a recipe of hemp-infused mulled wine to add to the festive atmosphere. We will also look at coffee, of course, nothing is better than the extra THC in the morning caffeine. Especially if you still have gifts to buy. Anyway, if we have time, let us continue to study mulled wine and maybe one or two other brazen wine recipes.

Hemp liqueur

For this recipe, you will need to make tinctures, which I explained in Part 1, but I just give you a quick introduction.

You need decarboxylated weeds, and you can heat them in the oven for about 40 minutes. Put it in a sealable jar and add some high-concentration alcohol (such as Everclear). Seal the jar, shake it slightly, and store it in a cool place. You should leave it for about 24 hours. If you leave it again, remember to shake it again. Then tighten it twice with some cheesecloth, and then you have the cannabis tincture. Get some dark glass dropper bottles to store.

Now for the mulled wine recipe, you will need the following:

  • 1500 ml red wine
  • ? cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 4 star anise
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 10 cloves
  • 1 large orange
  • 1 lemon

You are going to put everything except oranges and lemons into a big pot. Then you will want to peel the orange and pull it into segments and slice it. For lemons, you only need zest, so put the whole lemon in the pot. Then you have to put the stove on a medium heat and stir with a whisk to ensure that the ingredients continue to move and will not burn. Once it reaches a steady slow fire, then let it do its thing for about 15 minutes. Make sure to turn down the heat, otherwise it may burn. After the wine is ready, you need to let it cool completely before adding the cannabis tincture. Once the wine is good and cool, add about 4 ounces of tincture. When you mix THC and wine, you don’t want to overdo it. Put it in the refrigerator and reheat it when serving.

Cannabis Belarus

In the previous article, I talked about how to make hemp milk, so I wanted to quickly make a delicious winter Belarusian for cold weather. So once again quickly review how to make your weed milk.

Decarboxylated weeds are placed in a saucer of whole milk or milk substitutes. Simmer and stir for about 40 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth. It’s that simple, but if you want a more detailed explanation, please return to Part 1.

So this hot weather Belarusian has an espresso base instead of a milk base, so it will not drink too much alcohol and weeds in one place. So the best way to make it is to make espresso and pour it into a beautiful glass. Then you can add vodka, Kahlua, and I also recommend hot milk, so that these ingredients will not make the drink hot rather than hot. Maybe put a delicious chocolate bar in it, sprinkle a little cinnamon, and just like that, a delicious warm-weather spirit. Just be careful not to drink too much of these boys, because they can really punch.

Hemp coffee

When it comes to coffee, it all depends on how you drink it. If you drink milk, then definitely use the hemp milk you have made. If not, then you can add about two or three drops of tincture. If you plan to make yourself a cup of hemp coffee, then you better do it right.

If you haven’t already, buy yourself some very good coffee beans and a grinder. Seriously, they quickly paid for themselves, and I absolutely love my one. Grind your coffee beans, then brew the coffee with a French filter press, and leave it for a while to make it delicious and rich. Pour the coffee slowly into the cup, do not add anything else until the coffee has cooled slightly.

Once the coffee is no longer hot, add tincture or hemp milk. Then feel free to add sugar, cream, chocolate, whatever you like. Remember, this is not an ordinary coffee time, this is a lovely treat full of THC and should be treated as such.

Another great way is to add a little whiskey to your coffee, maybe use decaffeinated coffee, and drink it in the evening. Another good option is to fill a flask and take it to a lovely winter hike.

CBD boosts immunity smoothie

Let’s use a quick formula to end the flu season’s CBD immune system enhancement smoothie. I know this is not a hot drink, so hush. For these, you can use CBD high weed to make your own tincture, or you can buy CBD oil.

You also need:

  • 1 cup kale
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 handful of almonds
  • 1 handful of cashews
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • ¼ cup almond milk
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa

All you need to do is put these boys (except cocoa) into the blender and blend until smooth. Then add cocoa and a few drops of CBD oil. Keep mixing until you are satisfied with the consistency and you have a delicious way to avoid bugs and viruses. It is also very suitable for the energy of winter and a great way to start a new day.

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remember: Germinating cannabis seeds is illegal in many countries, including the United Kingdom. We have the responsibility to inform you of this fact and urge you to strictly abide by all local laws. Vault only sells or sends seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.

photographer Hannah Pemberton exist No splash


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