2:00PM Water Cooler 12/27/2021 | Naked Capitalism

2:00PM Water Cooler 12/27/2021 | Naked Capitalism



Author: Lambert Strether of Corrente.

Patient readers, by January 3, 2022 (probably a better year), I will take a break and run an abbreviated water cooler. Please consider this as an open thread and talk between you. ——Lambert

Today’s Bird Song

A partridge. Although I don’t have a picture of the pear tree.

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Here are a few Covid charts. Number of cases in the U.S.:

I remember reading that although I was too lazy to find the link, the Biden administration is shifting from using cases as a measure to hospitalization and death. So I think this means that case data is the key. The past few days have certainly been impressive.

here has CDC fast-rising counties As of December 23, 2021:

Thanks for the sharp eyes of the astute reader Chris from Georgia, I usefully circled the major cities of the same fast-growing county-blue. It seems that some kind of internal enemy is happening in those blue cities…

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Big, if it’s true. If we had a functioning media, someone would ask Varensky this*:

Now, Armbrust is indeed a mask manufacturer headquartered in the United States (which is good for him).But the World Health Organization has the same view, Fauci told His noble lie Therefore, proletarians will not require masks, and the hospital infection control community insists on using surgical masks. if only For lower orders, so this tweet sounds true. In addition, the Biden administration has been disparaging or dysfunctional non-pharmaceutical interventions as part of its Vax Vax Vax strategy; keeping good masks for professionals as an exception to the general rule would meet this point. Speaking of “fit”, Badger seal solve this problem? Haven’t CDC heard of it?

Note* or the whistleblower will throw things on the NC beam…

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Plant contact information: Readers, please feel free to contact me via lambert [UNDERSCORE] Bondage [DOT] current [AT] Yahoo [DOT] com to (a) learn how to send me a check if you are allergic to PayPal, and (b) learn how to send me plant images. Vegetables are no problem! Fungi and corals are regarded as honorary plants! If you want your handle to appear as a credit, put it in parentheses at the beginning of the message: (so). Otherwise, I will use your initials for anonymization. See the previous water cooler (with plants) here. Today’s factory (Kara):

Kara wrote: “Autumn pumpkins and gourds-a major edible core food. November 2021.” Rembrandt would be proud of this still life.

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reader: Water Cooler is an independent entity no Covers the recently concluded sums-thank you! — Successful annual NC fundraising event. Therefore, if you see a link that you particularly like, or an item that you can’t see anywhere else, please don’t hesitate to express your gratitude in a tangible form. Remember, the tip jar is for tipping! Regular positive feedback not only makes me feel good, but also lets me know that I am on the right track of reporting. When I have not received donations for five or ten days, I will be very worried. More obviously, continuous donations help me pay for my expenses. I took this into consideration when setting fundraising goals:

This is the screen that will appear, and I have made useful comments on it.

If you hate PayPal, you can send me an email to labert [UNDERSCORE] Bondage [DOT] current [AT] Yahoo [DOT] com, I will show you how to send a check. Thanks!

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