Link 12/15/2021 | Naked Capitalism

Link 12/15/2021 | Naked Capitalism



Rare fossils reveal that prehistoric Melbourne was once a paradise for tropical pig-nosed turtles dialogue

Worship and endangerment: the complex world of Japanese eels Bangkok Post (Furry Mouse).


Wall Street is about to trigger a climate financial crisis Bloomberg. Deck: “Just like in 2008, the biggest losers will be those responsible for it.”

The battle for electric car battery metals has just begun Wall Street Journal

Winter without snow is here Highland News

#Coronavirus disease

Shorter Tedros: Biden’s Vax Vax Vax failed:

Unfortunately, the WHO has been formed. First, this may be an indicator that lags far behind the spread. Secondly, Tedros will not pronounce the word “airborne”, but will air (Backed by science) And hand washing (no). The ruling elite has always failed, and this is charity.

Aerosol scientists discovered political economy. Gorgeous silk thread:

December 14, 2021

* * *

December 14, 2021

* * * Scientists have seen Omicron’s “Very Very Hard Winter”

science According to the CDC, Omicron now accounts for almost 3% of Covid cases in the United States

NBC Finance Channel The mild Omicron may still be bad

politics Moderna’s boss warned that Omicron and Delta might hit people at the same time and join forces to create worse Covid variants in the coming weeks

Daily mail. Which has good scientific writing, so don’t @?. Pfizer says its Covid-19 pills may be effective for Omicron The Wall Street Journal. Parkslowed.This isPfizer’s press release


* * * Evaluation of hotel-based protective housing programs to deal with SARS-CoV-2 infection and chronic disease management for the homeless [persons experiencing homelessness (PEH)]Magazine. “In this pair of 259 During the study period, the SARS-CoV-2 incidence rate of PEH that provided protective housing was significantly lower than that of PEH in city-wide shelters. Improvements in hypertension and blood sugar control were also observed; 51% were successfully placed on departure. “ CIDRAP[Protectively] Note:”

The results were compared with those living in the shelter. The author pointed out that the shelter may accommodate up to 400 people in an open-plan room. “I can’t find the number 400, but as we all know, shelters are the gathering environment where PEH shares are located. Therefore, it is worth noting that this article does not mention ventilation; I am sure that this should be the implied recommendation of the article. Is the baseline for government-funded operations? The Governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, added the COVID vaccine to the required school vaccination and joined the state of California

Shreveport Times

China? China will make stability its top priority for next year’s economic work

December 13, 2021 Chinese scientists fight back on the origin of coronavirus in Wuhan market

South China Morning Post Why does China’s Yutu-2 lunar rover take so long to reach the “mysterious hut” on the moon?

Spacenet Pakistan hopes that Gwadar will become the next Singapore. China’s role is not helpful.

Foreign policy

Myanmar The “silent strike” on the military left the streets of Myanmar empty

December 10, 2021 Myanmar public urges gas sanctions to stop military funding

Associated Press

India Small farmer, big heart, miracle bike

Indian Rural People’s Archives

Korean As officials planned to restrict, SKorea set a new virus record

Associated Press South Korea’s Green New Deal: Myths and Realities

Focus on foreign policy (Re Silc). How armed drones helped reverse the Ethiopian war

Al Jazeera

Syria The United Arab Emirates threatens to withdraw from the US$23 billion F-35 drone deal with the United States

Wall Street Journal Israel, once a world leader, lags behind in COVID vaccination


UK/EU How did the UK reach 200,000 Omicron infections in one day?

The Financial Times has a clean life. Every time there is a return. ——Elmo Leonard France approves controversial renovation plan for Notre Dame de Paris Smithsonian.I’m going to hate this, but ironically I like the idea Louise Bourgeois

Very much in Notre Dame de Paris. I have seen several of her installation exhibits and she is great (in every sense). 20th century (high) Gothic.

Caribbean Edward Bernays: Propaganda and U.S.-backed Coup in Guatemala of 1954

Covert operations magazine Opinion polls show that left-wing Lula maintains a dominant position in the Brazilian election

Reuters How taxes can support growth and reduce inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean

International Monetary Fund. All places.

New cold war The nightmare of the west: war on three fronts

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph Murmansk-BN system turns F-35 fighter jets into scrap metal near the Russian border

The truth (Re Silc).

Biden Administration As the rift deepens, FDIC board members openly quarrel

American Banker Hey SEC! Looking for a way to sell stablecoins through SPAC to make hay?

Francine McKenna, dig Biden: The United States has ordered enough Pfizer antiviral drugs to treat 10 million Americans


supply chain The regional power grid warns that there may be rotating blackouts in New England this winter

Boston Globe case

Joffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell’s “Black Book” is believed to include contacts including Prince Andrew will not be released during her sex trafficking trial[T]Daily mail. ”

In her trial, his defense and prosecution have been agreed. “ “Money is not a problem”: Ghislaine Maxwell trial reveals class division

Financial Times

Confiscated by the capitol The House of Representatives voted to contempt Mark Meadows and ignore the January 6 investigation

National network. I still don’t know why Merrick Garland has not acted on all of this.

health care Oregon wants to get rid of the coverage of Aduhelm and other drugs in the Medicaid program

statistics Commercialization of the health industry


Empire Folding Watch Death, drugs, and disbanded troops: how the Guard’s mission to the Mexican border fell apart

Army Times

Guillotine watch Dick Mobile

The London Review of Books. Musk. Do Bezos now.

Class struggle SF Burger King franchisees owe $1.9 million in wages

San Francisco. Criminal activities in San Francisco have become very, very serious. Fast food restaurant staff are using 911 call records to draw attention to the hidden “crisis of violence”

counter. Welcome to Assholistan.

December 14, 2021 Solidarity economy-the first step

Grassroots economic organizationToday’s antidote (pass through


December 11, 2021 See yesterday’s link and antidote du Jour

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