10 Friday morning reading-big picture

10 Friday morning reading-big picture



My weekend morning train WFH wrote:

When everything is growth stocks and all funds are venture funds. A credit market with everything, what can you get? How about providing billions of dollars in ultra-low interest loans to companies with no income? In the booming institutional lending market, which has been chasing shrinking returns for many years, lenders eager for yield are learning from the scripts of venture capitalists to expand cash to companies that are not yet profitable but are expected to be profitable in the future (Bloomberg)

The battle for electric vehicle battery metals has just begun Global miners have the opportunity to sell ESG-friendly natural resources to the automotive and energy industries, but this requires investment (Wall Street Journal) You can also take a look Can roads charge electric cars?Technology may be close. The magnetizable concrete technology developed by the German company Magment enables wireless charging of electric vehicles during driving. (New York Times)

Newcomers start using cryptocurrency-they may not like BitcoinIn particular, usually associated with right-wing, anti-Fed, and gold bug types, the fact that Bitcoin uses a lot of electricity to protect the network has helped to strengthen the perception of “??encryption”, which is the opposite of popular, free, and free. ESG-style ideals. But the situation in this area is changing, and mainstream commentators who previously scorned the field are surrendering. (Bloomberg)

Alternative assets this year reached 9 trillion U.S. dollars.This is something that investors should worry about. As capital continues to flow into the industry, Moody’s expressed concerns about insufficient leverage and liquidity. (corporate investor)

Patrick and John Collison, Irish brothers embraced by Silicon Valley: Following the surge in Internet sales and low interest rates during the pandemic, Stripe raised $600 million in March, bringing its market value to $95 billion, making it the most valuable Silicon Valley startup ever. (Work Week)

Goldman Sachs executives are looking for new and creative ways to squeeze their pay The notion that top bankers earn more than US$20 million per year and their salaries are low is another exclamation mark in this era of rapid wealth. At a time when Elon Musk was worth 300 billion U.S. dollars—and seemed to be bringing news of another wealth of technology, encryption, and private equity every day—the old standards of success were being discarded. (Bloomberg)

How did the morale of Facebook drop after Trump’s “robbery and shooting” post After the company’s optimism peaked at 82% in mid-May 2020, it plummeted to around 60% in early June and fell further throughout July. It dropped sharply after November and reached 50% in December-just before the congressional uprising on January 6, as the Washington Post reported as part of its own review of Facebook papers, the platform played a role in incitement. Not a small effect. (slate)

winter is here.But with these tips, you don’t have to be afraid of it. Like many difficult things, the first step is to accept: accept the truth about winter-colder and darker. When the day ends early, many of us try to pretend that nothing has changed. Despite how daylight affects our circadian rhythm and sleep patterns, we still adhere to the same schedule and feel annoyed when we are more tired. Recognize and accept darkness. (Washington post)

What I learned in 8,000 Chinese restaurants In the United States, many people like Chinese food, but the 72-year-old former tax lawyer David R Chan has nearly 8,000 Chinese restaurants in the United States (and it’s still increasing). Over the years, it has become a chronicle of the rise of Chinese food and the ever-changing dynamics of Chinese culture in the United States. (British Broadcasting Corporation)

How Stephen Curry became the new Roger Federer The basketball superstar is the most popular player in every field he is in, even allegedly hostile (Wall Street Journal)

Be sure to check our Master of Business interview This weekend with John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins. Doerrr supports some of the most successful technology startups, including Compaq, Netscape, Symantec, Sun Microsystems, Amazon.com, Intuit, Macromedia, and Google.He is also the author of a best-selling book Measure the important things; His latest book is Speed ??and scale: an action plan to immediately resolve the climate crisis.

The weak recovery of the U.S. shale patch is a problem in the post-COVID oil market

source: Commodity background

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