Every working day, we select a short list of news articles, comments, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court.To recommend a work for our consideration, please send an email to[email protected].
This is the reading on Wednesday morning:
- With the help of Judge Gorsuch, Native Americans won the Supreme Court ($) (John Fritz, “USA Today”)
- The Supreme Court will hear cases that could weaken Biden’s climate agenda. This is something to know. (Maxine Joselow, Washington Post)
- The Supreme Court wants to make it harder for the government to solve the climate problem (Dahlia Liswick, Slate)
- Smoke in Shadow Docket (Jonathan H. Adler, Warlock Conspiracy)
- Philadelphia reached a $2 million settlement with Catholic foster care institutions to prevent future challenges to LGBTQ rights (Julia Trusso, Philadelphia Inquirer)
Post Morning Reading on Wednesday, November 24 First appeared in SCOTUS blog.
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