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China’s July hypersonic weapon test included a technological advancement that allowed it to launch missile When it approaches the target at a speed of at least 5 times the speed of sound-no country has demonstrated this ability before.
According to people familiar with the matter, the Pentagon scientists were caught off guard by this development, which allowed the hypersonic glide vehicle, a mobile spacecraft that can carry a nuclear warhead, to launch a single missile over the South China Sea.
People familiar with the matter said that experts at Darpa, the Pentagon’s advanced research institute, are still unsure how China can overcome physical limitations by launching countermeasures from vehicles traveling at hypersonic speeds.
Military experts have been studying data related to testing to understand how China has mastered this technology. They are still discussing the purpose of the projectile, which was launched by a hypersonic vehicle without an obvious target, and then fell into the water.
What is your reaction to the news that China is making progress?Tell me what you think [email protected]. Thank you for reading FirstFT Asia. -Emily
There are five more stories in the news
1. KKR makes a 33 billion euro acquisition offer to Telecom Italia U.S. buyout funds have launched more than 33 billion euro offer The privatization of Telecom Italia will be one of the largest private equity acquisitions of European companies in history.
2. Video call between the President of the Olympic Committee and the missing Chinese tennis star Thomas Bach said he holds 30 minutes video call With Peng Shuai on Sunday, the International Olympic Committee called her “safe and healthy” in Beijing, but she “wants her privacy to be respected at this time.”
Peng Shuai signs his signature at the Youth Championship © Twitter/@QingQuingParis via Reuters
3. El Salvador plans a volcano-powered “Bitcoin City” President Nayib Bukele stated that this Central American country plans to establish a Volcano-driven “Bitcoin City” Part of the funding came from the issuance of US$1 billion in sovereign bonds backed by cryptocurrencies.
4. Samsung investors seek guidance on US$100 billion in cash reserves Samsung’s most powerful executives are touring the United States, and investors hope this is a sign the company is seeking Deploy its $100 billion cash reserveThe third-generation heir, Li Zairong, was released from prison early on the grounds of national interest. This is his first time out of the country.
5. Indian Prime Minister abandons unpopular agricultural reforms Indian Prime Minister will give up Controversial agricultural market reform This triggered a year-long protest by Indian farmers and posed a major challenge to his authority.
We forgot to include the quiz from last Friday. Apologies for the mistake!You can still test your knowledge here.
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The days to come
China’s policy interest rate decision Policy makers are expected to maintain China’s Stable benchmark interest rate Because they seek to limit the risks in the real estate industry. (Reuters)
Thailand economic data The country’s Employment data for the third quarter And household debt data will be released.
World Trade Organization Conference The WTO General Council will meet in Geneva, Switzerland.
What are we still reading
Spac machines fall back Spac sponsors want to market New signs of life Show that it is maturing. Some people compare the junk bond market with the junk bond market. The junk bond market experienced the crazy boom and scandals of the 1980s, and eventually became an integral part of the modern financial system.
U.S. key committee heralds the coming capital war If there is one thing that the Republicans and Democrats can agree on, it is that China is the largest in the United States. Long-term strategic threatRana Foroohar writes, however, the optimism of American financial companies towards China could not be better.
The rise of Crypto.com The site started at The blog of the University of Pennsylvania professor, He sold the name to a little-known startup in 2018, the startup is involved in the field of cryptocurrency and credit cards, called Monaco. Starting from Christmas, its name will be printed on the iconic Los Angeles Arena.
EU fiscal rules require more than just technical adjustments In Freud’s psychoanalysis, neurotic behavior is a manifestation of suppressed emotions. In the EU’s obsession with written rules, it is politics that is suppressed. This is why the newly relaunched debate on EU fiscal rules will become difficult. Martin Sandb wrote.
English cup of tea needs a spoonful of exquisiteness It is said that the British only like to drink a cup of tea, but Unilever does not share this feeling.its 4.5 billion euros in sales Some of the world’s largest tea brands show how indifferent the company is. It also raises a disturbing question: Is black tea brewed in a teapot and served with milk? Become a relic?
could you Working from home in the Alps? During the pandemic, some skiers have been doing this. Liz Rowlinson of FT explored whether the romantic vision matches reality.
Val d’Isère: French resorts are installing fiber-optic broadband, which is another temptation for remote workers © andyparant.com
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