6 Questions by Anton Bukov of 1inch Network – Cointelegraph Magazine

6 Questions by Anton Bukov of 1inch Network – Cointelegraph Magazine



We asked the builders in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency what they think about the industry… We randomly added some zingers to keep them alert!

This week, our 6 questions will be directed to Anton Bukov, the co-founder of 1inch Network, a distributed network of decentralized protocols.

Anton has been writing code for more than 20 years (from the age of 12), mainly in C++, C#, Objective-C, Swift and SQL. Since 2017, he has been working on blockchain solutions, mainly smart contracts. Anton has contributed to a number of crypto projects, including MultiToken, Near Protocol (he participated in the Ethereum-Near Rainbow Bridge) and Synthetix derivatives liquidity protocol, dedicated to gas optimization of smart contracts.

For some time, Anton co-hosted a YouTube show called “CryptoManiacs” with Sergej Kunz, the ultimate co-founder of 1inch Network. In the hackathon held in New York City in May 2019, they spent 36 hours developing a prototype encrypted exchange aggregator, which became the basis of 1inch.

1 — From smart contracts to DApp, NFT and DeFi, we have seen many of the next “killer applications” of encryption, but they have not really taken off yet. What will stick?

I see that some projects have already started. This growth is exponential, but at this time it is still limited by the capacity of the blockchain. Everyone is looking forward to a second-tier solution that will eventually expand DeFi to a large number of users, triggering explosive growth.

2 — What is the most innovative blockchain use case you have ever seen? It may not be the most likely to succeed!

When a project views the blockchain as a participant that follows strict, programmable rules rather than a passive database, the real innovation comes. This is the first time in human history that we have a commander who is ultimately honest (protected by consensus). In addition, it is unstoppable in the following description.Currently, the most exciting application for me is Automated Market Maker (AMMs) and currency markets (aka Loan agreement).

3 — Do you agree to use Bitcoin as a means of payment, a store of value, both…or neither?

I respect Bitcoin-I mean, the engineers behind it-because it is the first blockchain, but from my point of view, at this point, a blockchain with smart contracts makes more sense .Bitcoin can still be used as Store of value, But as a payment method-I’m sorry, I don’t believe it anymore. The Lightning Network and IOU technologies are not suitable for a small group of people because they require the depth and consistent immersion of the community. Most people prefer to use currencies with less volatility for payment, such as stablecoins.

4 — Who is meaningful to you and who is meaningless to you?

Innovators, inventors, and smart people make sense, and this category is usually disjointed with popular people. Advice from popular people may not be meaningful to everyone, but few people understand this.

5 — What do you think of extraterrestrial wisdom and the existence of life elsewhere in the universe?

I firmly believe that the probability is very high. In general, I am curious about non-protein life forms. I am curious about the lack of physical determinism. This may be the only reason for the existence of life.

6 — Which book has the most influence on you? Why?

I like science fiction books from the 1980s.maybe Ice and fire Ray Bradbury is a person who makes me think a lot about life and time.

One wish for the blockchain community:

Participate in a hackathon and participate in building a decentralized future-this is a huge space with huge opportunities. All these crypto prices will only help attract more attention to the industry. But the real gems are innovations and projects!


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