Andrew Cuomo is out, Kathy Hochul is in (hope the New York Cannabis Control Board will do the same)

Andrew Cuomo is out, Kathy Hochul is in (hope the New York Cannabis Control Board will do the same)



Yesterday morning, Governor Cuomo of New York State Announce resignation (It will take effect within 13 days.) A week ago, the New York State Attorney General’s report concluded that Governor Cuomo sexually harassed nearly 12 women. Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul will be sworn in at that time, becoming the first woman to hold the post of Governor of New York State.

Lieutenant Hochul’s appointment as Governor of New York State should immediately have a positive impact on the cannabis industry in New York. We expect to see a lot of progress in the next two weeks, and we will discuss all these developments with New York City Council Member Keith Powers (Keith Powers) in the upcoming webinar on August 17, 2021.Sign up here!).

Before we get into the details, a brief review of the governor’s powers under the New York Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act. New York’s cannabis industry (entertainment, medical and marijuana) will be in the hands of the Marijuana Control Board, a regulatory agency that we have been waiting to establish since the MRTA was signed into law on March 31, 2021. CCB will be responsible for all aspects of cannabis, including license distribution, licensing regulations and requirements, and general supervision of the industry.

The CCB will consist of five members, three members appointed by the governor, and one member each appointed by the Parliament and the Senate. The chairman of the CCB will be nominated by the Governor.

As we did before famousIt is hard to emphasize the importance of the chairman of the China Construction Bank. The chairman will have a huge impact on the development direction of the cannabis industry in New York. With so much leeway in issuing industry rules and regulations, the chairman has the ability to actually prioritize applicants for social and economic rights, reduce the early lead that existing ROs may have, and establish a sustainable licensing process. Technically, the chairperson is also the individual who makes the preliminary decision on whether a given license should be issued.

This begs the question: why Governor Cuomo did not (never) nominate anyone before the end of the New York Legislative Session on June 10, 2021. The overwhelming sentiment is that Governor Cuomo’s expected choice of Norman Birnbaum will not be approved by the legislature. So, in a typical way, Governor Cuomo went home with his toys. On the Canna Law Blog, we believe that the only reason Governor Cuomo reached a compromise on the MRTA with the New York Legislature as quickly as he did was because he needed to achieve political victory in the various political disputes involved in him in early 2021.

So, where did the promotion of Lieutenant Hochul take us?she has Openly push Legalized the use of marijuana for adults in New York and emphasized its potential to create “much-needed income” for New York. In public appearances, she emphasized the importance of effective social justice programs. Crucially, she is also from Buffalo and has been an ally of Crystal Peoples-Stokes, one of the MRTA sponsors.

By quickly naming the chair of the CCB and advancing the New York adult license process, so much political capital can be obtained, and it would be surprising if Lieutenant Hochle postponed the process.We will continue to pay close attention to news from Albany and remind you again to listen to our Upcoming webinar In-depth discussion of the current state of the cannabis industry in New York.


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