Four officers who fought against the U.S. Capitol attack committed suicide

Four officers who fought against the U.S. Capitol attack committed suicide



According to reports, two police officers committed suicide in July, and two others died a few days after the riots on January 6.

The U.S. District of Columbia Police announced that two more police officers responded to the incident. Riot on January 6 Suicide in the U.S. Capitol brought the number of suicides known to the police officers on duty in the building to four.

Police Department spokesperson Hugh Carew said in a statement that Metropolitan Police Officer Gunther Hashida was found dead at home on Thursday.

Hashita joined the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) in May 2003.

The news report quoted a police spokesperson as saying: “We feel sad as a department, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Officer Hashita.”

Carew said that another MPD officer Kyle DeFreytag who responded to the Capitol on January 6 was found dead on July 10. Carew said that DeFreytag’s cause of death was also suicide.

He has been working in the force since November 2016.

MPD officer Jeffrey Smith and Capitol Police Howard Libengood also responded to the congressional riots.

In a closed-door meeting with congressional leaders in January, Acting Police Chief Robert Conte III told lawmakers that Smith had ended his life “after that battle.”

At the same time, just three days after Donald Trump supporters rushed into the Capitol to try to prevent Congress from proving the defeat of Democratic President Joe Biden’s election victory, Libengood committed suicide.

Four people died in the unprecedented violence in the United States.

A congressional police officer who was attacked by protesters died the next day. More than 100 police officers were injured.

Bring more trouble to Trump

This chaos led to Trump’s second impeachment trial. More than 500 people have been arrested for their roles in the violence.

In emotional testimony last week, four police officers told the House Special Committee that they had been Be beaten, threatened, racially insulted, And thought they might die while they struggled to defend the Capitol against the mob.

The fatal attack on January 6 prompted Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell to file a civil lawsuit against Trump and Republican Rep. Mo Brooks, accusing them of inciting the people.

Four people died on the day of the violence in the U.S. capital, and a policeman died the next day [File: John Minchillo/AP]

Last week, the U.S. Department of Justice refused to defend Brooks’ request for immunity and provided him with protection under the “Western Wilderness Act,” which protects federal employees from being prosecuted for their words and actions in the work process.

Experts said the move appeared to send a message to Trump that it ruled out immunity when it warned that inciting attacks on Congress “is not within the scope of the representative or any federal employee’s employment.”

Donald Ayer, a senior justice official in the Republican government of President Ronald Reagan and President George HW Bush, said: “Documents submitted by the government Sending a clear message…No leader in our government has acted within his scope of work when taking subversive actions. A free and fair election can be achieved by getting people to stand up and engage in riots and interference.”

He added: “The leaders who committed these scandals are responsible for their actions.” A Brooks spokesperson could not be immediately reached for comment.

Trump is the defendant in two other similar lawsuits, One submitted by Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson, and the other on behalf of two U.S. Congressional policemen.

So far, Trump has not publicly asked the Justice Department to provide protection in this case, and his lawyer Jesse Binnal has not stated whether he intends to ask the Justice Department to take a stand.

Binnar said in a statement: “The Supreme Court has made it clear that the president cannot be prosecuted for conduct related to his public office. It is a typical duty of the president to speak to Americans on congressional actions.”

If you or someone you know is at risk of suicide, These organizations Maybe it can help.


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