The host city has spent years preparing for the Olympics-there are still billions of dollars and a lot of political capital to the finish line.
This is the case in Tokyo, where 2020 Olympics In progress– One year late Among Pandemic And in Cost is higher than expected, And many Questioned the decision to detain them in this situation.
But with the attention of the world, the organizers hope that the global audience will pay attention to the athletes, Not any dispute.
Russell Field, associate professor of the School of Kinesiology and Recreation Management at the University of Winnipeg and Manitoba, said: “The brilliance of the past came from the expectation of hosting the Olympic Games. But now, the public’s attention before the game is often focused on the “negative”-the problem. , Potential burden He said, and debated the benefits of promises.
“Once the game starts, dissent will be overwhelmed,” Field said. “It’s not that the objection no longer exists.”
Some people say that the public’s awareness of potential deficiencies has changed, leading to fewer cities hoping to host the Olympics.
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‘That shiny object’
Experts say that the cost of hot air balloons, rigorous scrutiny, and increasing demands on Olympic organizers such as Tokyo will not necessarily weaken the desire of all potential host cities to compete for gold in the future.
However, they pointed out that in recent years the Olympic Games have been trying to see as much hype about hosting as in the past, and this trend is providing information on the decisions being made by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
Richard Sheehan, an emeritus professor of finance at the University of Notre Dame at Indiana University, said: “This is a shiny item that people want.” He believes that being a host city is still attractive.
“But the cost of doing so is very high.”
A party that cost billions
For the Japanese capital, these costs take different forms.
People think the real price of the Tokyo Olympics is much higher than $15.4 billion official cost ——This in itself is Twice the original claim. More than half of them are public funds, According to the Associated Press.
Sheehan pointed out the increase in costs caused by the delay and various budget estimates, and believes that the cost of the Tokyo Olympics may be “around 30 billion US dollars.”
Field of the University of Manitoba said Tokyo is no exception when it comes to spending.
“In modern memory, there is no game budget below the budget,” he said.
Other games cost more. At least $40 billion was spent At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Allegedly spent $50 billion The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.
Political cost
There are also political costs– Including counterattacks from opponents And the consequences of what happened along the way.
Yuki Shiraito, assistant professor of political science at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, believes that after experiencing Tokyo, other Japanese cities are unlikely to continue bidding for the Olympics.
“Even before Tokyo won the bid in 2013, public support for hosting the Olympics was lower than other bidding cities,” the white man said via email.
Since then, the pandemic has highlighted the additional risks that host cities may face, and whites expect this to make future bids “politically unpopular” in Japan.
Watch | Dick Pond discusses fans and limitations of the Tokyo Olympics:
Adrienne Arsenault talked to IOC member Dick Pound about the ban on spectators and his concerns about the public’s perception of the Olympics. 4:36
Field said that citizen opposition may be a powerful force that can undermine the Olympic bid. Boston, Calgary and Oslo ——A reality that may have an impact on the future Olympic Games.
Field said: “I think you will see bids from cities and countries where citizens are opposed to making it harder to initiate.”
Less bid
More generally, compared with the past, the IOC has seen fewer cities seeking to host the Olympics—for example, the last batch of Two bidders seeking the 2024 Summer Olympics.
This trend has sparked speculation about what this means for the future of the Olympics.
Hyung-Gu Lynn, a professor in the Department of Asian Studies at the University of British Columbia and one of the Tokyo 2020 experts at the University of Vancouver, said that the IOC needs to consider longer-term considerations when guiding its process.
In an interview earlier this month, he stated that the IOC hopes to “make use of the opportunities of affluent cities as much as possible” due to the reduction in the number of bids received.
Field said that the decision of the International Olympic Committee regarding the upcoming Summer Olympics- Including those recently awarded to Brisbane, Australia -Show that it is aware of the public relations challenges it faces in bidding and hopes to have options to deal with these challenges.
“What if we are not satisfied with our bids, or if we don’t have enough bids? We need to get out of the predicament,” Field said, describing the apparent thinking of the International Olympic Committee.
Need a new approach
Sheehan of Notre Dame believes that a more balanced approach when bidding for the Olympics is crucial for aspiring host cities.
Sheehan said: “The only meaningful way is to develop economic incentives so that the people who will benefit and the entire population have a say in the process.”
“Unless you let the winners and potential losers make a joint decision, you won’t come up with a reasonable solution.”
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