Experts call for more responsibility for sexual violence in hockey after Mailloux draft

Experts call for more responsibility for sexual violence in hockey after Mailloux draft



TORONTO-Experts call on the Montreal Canadiens to play a leading role in dealing with sexual violence and misogyny after the drafting of Logan Mailloux.

The 18-year-old defender was convicted last year for spreading pornographic photos of women without consent, which resulted in him being prosecuted and fined by a Swedish court.

Sports journalist Shireen Ahmed (Shireen Ahmed), whose work focuses on the inclusiveness of sports, slammed the decision of the Habs draft pick Melu.

“It tells fans and the hockey world that they don’t care about women, survivors and the impact it may have on the wider hockey world,” she told CTV National News.

Habs says In the online statement The organization is committed to providing Mailloux with “mature tools and necessary support to guide his development.”

“We are also committed to raising our players’ awareness of the impact of their actions on the lives of others,” the team said.

But Ahmed questioned whether the Canadians have the proper equipment to provide Mailloux with the necessary support.

“I firmly believe that he deserves guidance and support because he is 18 years old. But is the Montreal Canadiens really the right organization to do this?” Ahmed said.

“As a sports reporter and a woman in hockey, I have some questions. What are your plans for this young player? Where is your responsibility in selecting and drafting this player? Where is the education about sexual violence?”

Maru, In the video statement He was released by the Canadians on Saturday and apologized for his behavior, calling it “completely irresponsible and stupid.”

Farrah Khan, manager of the Office of Sexual Violence Support and Education at Ryerson University and consent educator, said it is important for Mailloux to be open to his actions and express regret for them.

Khan told CTV National News: “We hope that those who have caused harm will name it and make it public in the public domain.”

“In some ways, he said from the beginning, what he did, which is good. He said it, he is regretting, he is in charge.”

Mailloux also initially stated In a statement posted to social media On Tuesday, he felt he was not mature enough to be elected to the NHL this year.

“A few days ago, when he initially said that he didn’t actually feel mature enough to be selected…I think this is really great in some ways, because this young man realized what he did The thing is wrong, and it will have an impact, and it will have consequences,” Khan said.

But despite Mailloux’s own statement, the Habu family chose to select him, and Khan called the decision “disappointing.”

“It is disappointing that his own views and ideas are not respected by the team,” Khan said. “If he said that, why would this team say,’Oh, we want to pick you in the primary.’ This is something that I find very confusing.”

Khan also disputed the team’s statement, which did not explicitly discuss sexual violence or consent.

“When I read that statement, I didn’t see enough facts about consent, talking about sexual violence, and admitting that it happened within the scope of sexual assault,” Khan said.

“I think hockey as a sport still has a long way to go. In general, sports still has a long way to go in addressing the patriarchy, misogyny and racism that have occurred in it.”


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