“I want to dance”: England lifts all COVID restrictions | Coronavirus pandemic news

“I want to dance”: England lifts all COVID restrictions | Coronavirus pandemic news



The British government lifted all pandemic restrictions in England on Monday – including the wearing of masks and social distancing regulations – despite Scientist’s warning This move will further exacerbate the already surging epidemic and may produce new variants.

Restrictions were lifted at midnight on Sunday (23:00 GMT) because laws that mandated wearing masks and working from home were lifted. The cancellation of the rules means that nightclubs will also be able to reopen for the first time since the UK entered the lockdown in March last year. Other indoor venues such as theaters and movie theaters will also be able to operate at full capacity.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson who was quarantined after the Minister of Health Sajid Javid has tested positive for COVID-19Urges people to be cautious. His government hopes that the coronavirus vaccine introduced in the UK will help protect the country, even if the number of infections surges to January levels.

“If we don’t do this now, we must ask ourselves, when can we do this?” Johnson said in a video message taken on Sunday.

“This is the right moment, but we must proceed with caution. We must remember that, sadly, this virus still exists.”

If even if the infection reaches record levels, the vaccine is still effective in reducing serious illness and death, then Johnson’s decision may provide information on ways to return to normal in other highly vaccinated countries.

But this strategy comes with risks-most notably, there may be a variant that is resistant to vaccines, or the number of cases may overwhelm the health system and bring the country to a standstill.

On Friday, leading international scientists described what some people call Britain’s “Freedom Day” as a threat to the entire world. 1,200 scientists supported a letter to the famous British medical journal The Lancet criticizing the decision of the Conservative government.

Julian Tang, a clinical virologist at the University of Leicester, told the Associated Press: “I’m afraid I can’t think of a good and realistic solution for this strategy.” “I think it’s really going to become something to a certain extent. How bad.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson hopes that the UK’s high vaccination rate will protect people from the surge in COVID-19 cases, and with the opening of temporary vaccination centers, including the opening of the Tate Modern in London, vaccination Work has been strengthened [Tolga Akmen/AFP]

With the abolition of the rules and the reopening of nightclubs that had been closed since March 2020, thousands of club members are preparing to dance all night.

“I’m not allowed to dance like forever,” the 31-year-old Georgia Pike said in the Oval Space in Hackney. “I want to dance, I want to listen to live music, I want the atmosphere in the show, to be with other people.”

But behind the excitement, there are also worries about the wave of new cases.

According to our data world, the number of daily cases per million people in the UK is currently the highest in the world.

26-year-old Gary Cartmere said: “I am very excited-but it is mixed with the feeling of impending doom.”

Nearly 129,000 people in the UK have died of COVID-19, which is the seventh-largest death toll in the world. On Sunday, it reported 48,161 new cases and 25 deaths.

Approximately 87% of British adults received one dose of the vaccine, and more than 68% of adults received two doses of the vaccine to provide the strongest protection against serious illness and death.

Johnson has set COVID-19 restrictions for England, and the decentralized governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have mostly adopted a more cautious approach.

The government’s own chief medical adviser warned that if the number of cases spiralled, the crisis could return soon. Currently, fewer than 4,000 people are hospitalized due to the coronavirus.

Tang said one concern is “super variants”, which may appear when people are allowed to mix together without taking precautions during the summer in the UK. He said that as the weather became colder, the flu returned, which meant “a very severe winter.”


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