The Simpsons made another creepy prediction because Richard Branson showed off the Virgin Galactic space flight in the 2014 episode

The Simpsons made another creepy prediction because Richard Branson showed off the Virgin Galactic space flight in the 2014 episode



The fortune teller behind the Simpsons apparently predicted that Sir Richard Branson’s flight would reach the edge of space in a commercial rocket plane seven years ago.

On Sunday, the Virgin Group’s tycoon and five crew members traveled over the VSS Unity in New Mexico and made history.


The Simpsons seem to have summoned Sir Richard Branson into space seven years before he actually accomplished this feat.Credit: Fox
On Sunday, Branson and five crew members made history, exploding 50 miles above the earth, then turned around and glide back safely


On Sunday, Branson and five crew members made history, exploding 50 miles above the earth, then turned around and glide back safelyCredit: Reuters

They were strapped to a carrier plane, separated and exploded 50 miles above the earth, then turned around and glide back safely.

This feat is obviously very similar to the 2014 episode of “The Simpsons”, “The Battle of Art”.

An art forger named Klaus Ziegler (voiced by the late Max von Cido) told Lisa that his “forgeries have brought fun to people all over the world.”

One of the admirers of the forger’s artificial art is Branson, who appeared in a cameo, floating on a spaceship, gazing at a painting.

Simpson fan Aditya Kondawar first posted a tweet Associate incredible similarities with episodes.

“how come The Simpsons The show predicts every damn thing? “He wrote.

Then Branson’s company Virgin Atlantic posted the same picture on its official TwitterAnd commented: “The Simpsons predicted it.”

The billionaire who founded Virgin Galactic 17 years ago said that he was satisfied to see the earth from the window of the spacecraft-not a fake art-“more beautiful” than he thought.

“I’ve always dreamed of this since I was a kid, and what surprised me was that it was more extreme than my dreams.” He told the sun.

“Riding is extreme, but it should be-riding in space is always the case.”

Matt Groening’s animated sitcoms predict a series of events long before they actually happen, which amazes audiences and fans alike.

After pro-Donald Trump supporters rushed through the U.S. capital of Washington, D.C. on January 6, many people pointed out The Simpsons thought of it a few years ago.

Back to the seventh season, the 18th episode of the show is titled The day the violence died, The characters attacked the Capitol with guns and even bombs.

hundreds of Pro-Trump supporters stormed into the U.S. Capitol Just when Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress met to vote and prove the results of the election and announced President-elect Joe Biden as the winner.

As early as 2000, the show compiled an episode of Donald Trump who will become the President of the United States.

In this episode, Lisa mentions “inherited considerable budgetary austerity from President Trump”.

There is even a scene Trump walked down the stairwell and waved to his supporters -In 2015, when he announced his candidacy for president, he was almost completely placed in real life.

The 2016 episode even made fun of “Ivanka 2028” Running for public office.

They are also considered to be many years ahead of real life. Tom Hanks promoted the “New Grand Canyon” as a salesman and claimed that the US government has lost its credibility.

He said on the show: “This is what Tom Hanks said. If you see me with your own eyes, please leave me.”

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson are the most famous faces who contracted Covid-19 during their trip to Australia.

Fourteen years before the construction of the Shard in London began, a skyscraper was discovered in an episode of Simpson’s reconstruction of the London skyline and in the episode of Big Ben and London Bridge.

In 2003, the beating of Roy Horn by a seven-year-old white tiger named Mantecore seemed to mimic the plot of the show in 1993, when the German magic duo came to Springfield and was attacked by the white tigers.

Roy suffered multiple injuries, including spinal fractures and crush injuries.

As early as 1997, “The Simpsons” played a short video of a school dinner at Springfield Elementary where the ladies chewed on horse meat.

This story will restart in 2013, when it was discovered that horse meat was being provided to British school children.

The headline of The Sun’s front page titled “The Horse at School Dinner” discussed the government’s investigation of school dinners.

Some people think that the Simpsons somehow predicted the tragedy of 9/11.

In this episode, Lisa appeared on the front page of a newspaper that aired in 1997.

Theorists believe that this newspaper with the headline “New York $9 a day”-the number 9 displayed in bold next to the Twin Towers, similar to the number 11, is an early warning of the 2001 New York attack.

The crystal ball mind behind the cartoon even imagined that Canada would legalize marijuana in 2005.

In this episode, Ned Flanders is provided by his other Canadian self with a “reeferino”-cannabis joint gibberish.

Thirteen years later, this country has become a herbivore.

This video is very similar to the scene called The Battle of Art in The Simpsons in 2014, which is the 15th episode of the 25th season of the show.

In the animation show, the art counterfeiter Klaus Ziegler told Lisa that his “forgeries brought fun to people all over the world”, and then showed how to watch the works of art in different places. people.

The billionaire who founded Virgin Galactic 17 years ago expressed his satisfaction because he saw the earth from the window of the spacecraft-not a fake art- "More beautiful" Than he imagined


The billionaire who founded Virgin Galactic 17 years ago said that he was satisfied to see the earth from the window of the spacecraft-not a fake art-“more beautiful” than he thought.Credit: Reuters
The show predicted Trump’s presidency in 2000


The show predicted Trump’s presidency in 2000Image Credit: 20th Century Fox
The 2016 episode teased a "Ivanka 2028" Running for office


An episode of 2016 teased “Ivanka 2028” running for officeCredit: Fox
Going back to the seventh season, the 18th episode of the show


Going back to the seventh season, the 18th episode of the show “Day of Violent Death”, the characters attacked the Capitol with guns and even bombs.Credit: Fox
The Simpsons predict riots and protests on Capitol Hill


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