Mom made a mistake in stealing eggs in the microwave and suffered terrible facial burns after boiling water exploded on her body

Mom made a mistake in stealing eggs in the microwave and suffered terrible facial burns after boiling water exploded on her body



After poaching hackers in the microwave oven backfired and exploded in her face, a “traumatic” mother vowed to never eat eggs again-leaving her face severely burned.

Chantelle Conway claimed that she had been cooking poached eggs in the microwave for two years before the problem occurred on Friday, July 2nd last week, which made her scream in pain and convinced that she “burned her face.”


A mother suffered terrible facial burns after a hacker made a mistake in stealing eggs in a microwave ovenCredit: Kennedy News

The 25-year-old young man boiled the kettle, filled the cup, then beat the raw eggs into the water and placed it in the microwave for 10 seconds.

When she put the cold spoon into the boiling water to take out the poached eggs, when she stood on the cup, the hot water hit her face directly.

The full-time mother of two children has now shared photos of her severely burned face to warn others to stay away from the dangerous “hacking” that has recently become popular on TikTok.

Chantel from Farnworth, Bolton said: “I always do this because it’s just a faster and easier way.

“When I took it out of the microwave, I put a metal spoon in and turned the egg, and then checked whether it was cooked, but when the spoon touched water, it spurted out. It wasn’t that the egg exploded. It landed on the side of my kitchen.

This is the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life

Chantel Conway

“Water is everywhere-all over my face and neck, and I’m sure it even hit the ceiling because there is a mark above where I stand.

“This is the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. I have had two natural childbirths-it feels like someone has been blowing a torch on my face, and I am sure that my entire face has been burned.

“I was looking at the cup, so I was really lucky. I closed my eyes in time and was not blind, but my eyelids were severely burned.

“I think I might die of pain, if I didn’t pour cold water on myself so quickly, because it was so bad that I couldn’t bear it.”

When the terrible accident happened, Chantelle was on a FaceTime call with her cousin Stephanie Leigh. When the water hit her face, she listened to Chantelle’s screams in horror.

28-year-old Stephanie said: “We FaceTime every day, she makes tea while putting her phone on the teapot and sugar pot.

“Suddenly, I saw a lot of things flying in the air. She screamed and couldn’t even tell me what happened, so I thought the kettle exploded in her face.

Suddenly I saw a lot of things flying in the air

Stephanie LeighChantel’s cousin

“I was in Manchester at the time, too far to get close, so I just felt helpless, crying in panic and trying to call someone nearby to help her.”

When she suffered terrible burns, Chantelle took her 18-month-old baby Heidi-River Ball home alone, making her wait for nearly an hour to get help.

Another daughter who dotes on her mother, 5-year-old Lily Rose Ball, was in school at the time. The girl’s father, 34-year-old Mark Ball, had to take Chantelle to the Royal Bolton Hospital.

The hospital staff told her that she was fortunate not to suffer more serious injuries, and that her act of immersing herself in cold water quickly saved her from third-degree burns.

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Chantel said: “I grabbed a handful of cold water and poured it on myself for about an hour, waiting for my child’s father to pick me up and take me to the hospital-I couldn’t get out of the water.

“Mark had to help me prepare because I put a towel soaked in cold water on my face, and because of the pain, I couldn’t take it off for a second.

“When it happened, my baby was playing in another room, but fortunately my eldest daughter was in school and didn’t see it because it would cause her trauma, and I was screaming.

“My little girl hates it. She told me the other day that she didn’t like my face. It broke my heart.

“I also worry about what the baby will think, such as whether she is afraid of me or does not know me.

“When we arrived at the hospital, the nurse saw how painful I was and immediately asked me to take morphine, and then they put a jelly mask on me for two hours.

“The hospital staff said I was lucky, I reacted so quickly, otherwise I would get third degree burns.”

Over the next week, the burn on Chantelle’s face began to blisters and burst, but it has slowly begun to heal.

I am also worried about what the baby will think, such as whether she is afraid of me or does not know me

Chantel Conway

The scorched skin began to peel off, making her complexion “mottled”, and she prayed that it would not leave scars.

Chantelle said: “My jaw started to blisters the next day. By Sunday morning, I couldn’t stand the pain and went back to the hospital for advice.

“On Monday, the blisters on my chin broke. When I woke up, I put my hand on my face. When I moved, it ripped off some of the skin-I was panicked because my skin was rough at that time.

“I’m almost over now. My burned skin fell off like a snake. I don’t feel much pain now, but it’s very itchy. The inside of my nose and lips are still rough.”

The “traumatic” mom now shares photos of her recovery from burns and TikTok videos, telling her terrible experience to raise awareness and warn others to stay away from this popular “hack.”

She vowed never to eat eggs again, and of course she would not cook eggs in a microwave oven after studying this lesson hard.

Chantelle said: “I will flash back, it makes me not want to cook. I will never eat eggs again, because I was traumatized-I used to like eggs.

“I do take full responsibility for what happened. I am stupid to do this. I just want more people to know what will happen so that it doesn’t happen to anyone else.

“I have watched a lot of videos of people doing this on TikTok. I just want to show people what might happen, hoping to stop them from doing this.”

Chantelle Conway was shocked when the hot water exploded on her.


Chantelle Conway was shocked when the hot water exploded on her.Credit: Kennedy News
The hospital staff told her that she was fortunate not to suffer more serious injuries


The hospital staff told her that she was fortunate not to suffer more serious injuriesCredit: Kennedy News
She has two young children


She has two young childrenCredit: Kennedy News
This "Traumatized" Woman (pictured with cousin Stephanie Leigh) vowed never to eat eggs again


The “wounded” woman (pictured with cousin Stephanie Leigh) vowed never to eat eggs againCredit: Kennedy News

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