The Transportation Safety Board investigates the possibility of a fire in Litton by the train

The Transportation Safety Board investigates the possibility of a fire in Litton by the train



The Transportation Safety Board stated that the new information it received about the suspicious source of the fire that broke out in Lytton, British Columbia on June 30 prompted it to investigate incidents that may involve freight trains.

The committee said in a statement that the information was the result of an investigation into the cause of the fire by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the British Columbia Wildfire Bureau.

The Safety Committee stated that it is not yet clear which railway line is related to the relevant trains. Neither Canadian Pacific Railway nor Canadian National Railways submitted any incident reports related to the Leiden fire.

Although the local indigenous leaders said that the train operation under similar drought conditions made people feel anxious, but the fire almost destroyed the entire village and killed two people, but the cause of the fire has not been disclosed.

Canadian National Railways said its trains had nothing to do with the fire, and Canadian Pacific resumed service through Litton on Monday.

The Canadian Pacific Railway locomotive was exhibited in Fraser Canyon south of Lytton on July 3. (James McDonald/Bloomberg)

Federal Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra has ordered all train traffic through Lytton to stop immediately for 48 hours.

At the same time, the Thompson-Nikola area organized a bus tour for the displaced residents on Friday, saying that although it is not safe to enter without an escort, work has been done to clear the way to allow residents to travel through the area by bus.

The Federal Minister of Indigenous Services Mark Miller said that fires across British Columbia have destroyed many communities and families.

Miller said in a statement from Transport Canada: “At this critical moment, we must listen to the voices of indigenous leaders and, while respecting their needs and priorities, ensure that railway safety and security are meaningfully on the way forward. Participate.” Ordered a two-day suspension of trains between Kamloops and Boston Bar.

Some progress made in the save

Due to the combination of recent heat waves and hot weather conditions, more than 200 wildfires are burning in British Columbia, and the risk of fires in many parts of the province has risen to extremely high or extreme levels. Lightning also continues to challenge wildfire rescuers in the province, but the British Columbia Wildfire Bureau reports that at least one of the province’s 15 most threatening fires has made progress.

Since Thursday, hundreds of lightning strikes have caused more than half of the approximately two dozen new fires recorded in BC.

But the Wildfire Service said that earlier this week, the weather was slightly cooler and the rainfall was moderate. It helped staff set up guards around the entire periphery of the approximately three square kilometer fire, forcing evacuation orders and evacuation near Durand Lake southwest of Kamloops. alarm.

Strong winds near Lytton also caused a fire on the west side of the Fraser River this week, but the Wildfire Service said that staff responded positively.

It said, including the 40 firefighters who had recently arrived from New Brunswick, were making progress to deploy guards and protective buildings on the other flank of the 88 square kilometer fire that destroyed Litton.

The Wildfire Service stated that approximately 174 fires were recorded this week, 26 of which occurred in the past two days.


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