Hot weather is expected in the mountains and deserts this weekend

Hot weather is expected in the mountains and deserts this weekend



San Diego (CNS)-According to the National Weather Service, the heat wave will bring scorching temperatures to the mountains and deserts of San Diego County this weekend.

Forecasters say that the powerful high-pressure system over the Great Basin will continue to expand westward, causing most of the county to be muggy until Monday.

NWS issued an overheating warning, which will be effective in desert areas from 9 am on Saturday to 8 pm on Monday. The high temperature warning in the mountains will also continue until 8pm on Monday night.

According to the National Weather Service, the highest point in the desert may reach 120 degrees on Saturday and 118 degrees on Sunday, while mercury levels in mountainous areas are expected to reach 102 degrees and 101 degrees on Saturday and Sunday.

At the same time, the high temperature in the coastal area is expected to be more than 70 degrees to more than 80 degrees on Friday, as low as 80 degrees in the western valley, and as low as 90 degrees and 90 degrees near the foothills. As low as 100 seconds in the mountains, as low as 110 seconds in the desert.

The Bureau of Meteorology stated that extreme high temperatures will significantly increase the likelihood of high-temperature-related diseases, especially for those who work or participate in outdoor activities.

People should be prepared to drink plenty of water, stay in air-conditioned rooms, away from the sun, and check relatives and neighbors.

Although under no circumstances should young children and pets be left unattended in the car, but the Meteorological Service says this is especially true in warm or hot weather-the inside of a car can reach lethal temperatures within minutes.

The county has opened nine “cool zone” locations to help the public resist the heat. They are located in the Alps, Borrego Springs, Fallbrook, Lakeside, Potrero, Ramona, San Isabel, Spring Valley and the valley center.

A complete list of locations can be found Here.

Copyright 2021, City News Service, Inc.


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