Reduce sugar?Be wary of these 13 foods and drinks with amazing sugar content

Reduce sugar?Be wary of these 13 foods and drinks with amazing sugar content



It is well known that too much sugar can increase the risk of countless health problems, including obesity, heart disease, fatty liver and type 2 diabetes. But many people are trying to reduce their intake.

Most people know that soda, ice cream, and candy bars contain sugar. However, they may not know that many processed foods and beverages also have added sugar. Many people also add sugar when cooking and baking.

In 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Begin to require food manufacturers to list added sugars and total sugars, which can help consumers be more picky when choosing products. However, many consumers are still confused about nutrition labeling.

Nutrition experts say that consumers can also learn about the sugar content of foods by scanning alternative names in the ingredient list.

Any of the following ingredients indicate that the food has added sugar: Agave nectar, brown sugar, sugar cane juice, corn sweetener, date sugar, glucose, concentrated fruit juice, fructose, honey, lactose, barley malt, maltose, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose, sweet carob powder, syrup, turbinate sugar , High fructose syrup.It’s the same Canned food, corn, golden malt, maple syrup and rice syrup.

“There are also natural sweeteners such as honey and pure maple syrup,” Dr. Amy Lee, chief medical officer of the Lindor Clinic in Southern California and an expert in weight control, obesity and nutrition, told the Voice of Philadelphia. “If you see these on the ingredient list, they are still classified as added sugar.”

The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day, which is equivalent to about 24 grams or 100 calories. For men, the recommendation is 9 teaspoons, about 36 grams or 150 calories.

Experts say that added sugar-not the natural sugar found in whole foods such as fruits and vegetables-is the culprit behind the sugar addiction in the United States.

In whole foods, fiber and antioxidants change the role of sugar, thereby improving the way the body breaks down sugar. Therefore, people will not experience spikes in blood sugar. On the other hand, the added sugar is just empty calories.

The average American adult eats 22 teaspoons of sugar a day. Lee said that reducing to the recommended level is a huge change-it requires knowledge and commitment.

“You need to be motivated to commit to a new way of life,” she said. “You need to be able to commit to a low-carb and low-sugar diet.”

Foods that contain a lot of sugar

Although all sugar cannot be avoided, here are 13 high-sugar foods and beverages that many people don’t realize.

1. Yogurt

Low-fat yogurt can be a healthy snack, but it depends on whether it has added sweeteners that increase sugar.Most yogurts contain 6 to 9 grams of natural sugar, but some Sweetened version The total sugar content per cup will exceed 20 grams.

2. Sauces

Sriracha, tomato sauce, barbecue sauce and salad dressing It may seem like a harmless additive to enhance the taste of the meal, but they all add sugar that can increase quickly-even if people think they just use a little bit.

A teaspoon Sriracha Contains one gram of sugar. One tablespoon of Heinz ketchup contains four grams of sugar. A tablespoon of barbecue sauce contains at least 4-6 grams of sugar. Two tablespoons of light or fat-free salad dressing contains 6 grams of sugar.

3. Juice

Even unsweetened 100% fruit juice contains sugar. Nutritionists say this is because a lot of fruit is needed to make juice. One 6 ounces. A box of orange juice can contain 18 grams of sugar.

4. Pasta sauce

Nutritionists say that it is best to make pasta sauce to avoid adding sugar. Just one cup of pre-made version can contain 2.5 teaspoons of sugar.

5. Sports drinks

A 32-ounce sports drink contains 56 to 76 grams of sugar-four to six times the recommended daily amount for children and adolescents. according to University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital. Therefore, although they are advertised as a healthy way to hydrate after exercise, water is a healthier choice.

6. Protein Bar

Protein bars are another snack that many people consider healthy, but many people add sweeteners such as honey. Dietitian It is recommended that people choose protein bars with a sugar content of no more than 13 grams.

7. Pre-made soup

Soups made from scratch are healthier because people can control the contents. The pre-made version is usually flavored with sugar. According to reports, a can of tomato soup can add 20 grams of sugar, which is equivalent to 5 teaspoons.

8. Breakfast cereal

Even grains sold as healthier alternatives, such as Honey oatmeal, Can contain brown sugar, corn syrup, honey or pure sugar. A 12-ounce serving can contain up to 3 teaspoons of sugar.

9. Canned Fruit

Canned fruits are usually stored in syrup, so consumers are advised to be careful when buying. Half-cup serving A canned peach slice can contain 21 grams of sugar.

10.Peanut butter

Li said that many people do not read the label and think that peanut butter is just peanuts. But most peanut butter products also have added sugar.peanut butter natural Contains about 1 to 2 grams of sugar, but look for added sugar on the label and look for molasses and corn syrup in the ingredient list.

11. Bread

Carbohydrates also contribute to sugar intake.according to USDA National Nutrition Database, A slice of commercially prepared white bread contains 1.4 grams of sugar.

12. Frozen dinner

This Cleveland Clinic Be warned that frozen food can also be a hidden sugar trap. Their dietitian recommends reading the labels of sugars such as agave nectar, fruit juice concentrate, honey and maltodextrin syrup carefully.

13. Dried Fruit

Although dried fruits are healthy, their sugar content is more concentrated because most of the water has been removed, Health hotline report. Dried raisins naturally contain 59% sugar. The sugar content of jujube is about 66%. Nutritionists recommend that people choose dried fruits that do not add any sugar.

Read food labels

Reading labels can be tricky, even if there is an FDA update, Kimberly Gomer, director of nutrition at the Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa in Florida, told the Voice of Philadelphia.

She suggested that the best way to let people know what they are consuming is to look carefully at the ingredient list. All ingredients must be listed by weight, so the first four ingredients usually make up the majority of the product. If a sugar is at one of these highest points, the food has a high sugar content.

Lee added that cheaper products contain more sugar and other preservatives because sugar is cheap and tastes good. This has led to sugar addiction in the country. Many people find it difficult to stop craving sugary foods.

Gomer said that the best things people can do for their health is to eat a high-fiber diet, exercise, and lose belly fat.

It is recommended that people who try to reduce sugar have a doctor or dietitian tailor a nutrition plan that suits their specific health needs. Everyone’s sugar goals are personalized. Gomer said that those who are more active and mainly eat plant-based diets have more room to treat.

The effect of sugar on people with insulin resistance

When people are resistant to insulin, even natural sugars can have problems.

“Some people are more sensitive to sugar than others—insulin resistant people are not good to any type of sugar,” Gomer said. “One hundred million people in the United States have insulin resistance.”

Insulin resistance refers to the inability of the body to properly use glucose in the blood as energy. If not reversed, this condition usually leads to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Although it is not clear what causes this condition, being overweight (especially middle-class), family history of type 2 diabetes, and lack of exercise are all considered risk factors. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For people with insulin resistance, even healthy grape snacks can spike their blood sugar, causing brain fog and fatigue. When insulin is resistant, it is important to limit the sugar in whole foods, not just add sugar.

For example, Gomer said that berries are a healthier choice for people with insulin resistance because berries have less sugar than fruits such as grapes, bananas and mangoes.


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