What is the John McAfee documentary about? Where can I watch it?

What is the John McAfee documentary about? Where can I watch it?



ANTIVIRUS developer John McAfee took his new life in Belize into the big screen.

His documentary “Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee” premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 11, 2016.

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John McAfee lived in Belize while filming the documentary

What is the John McAfee documentary about? Where can I watch it?

John McAfee This documentary tells about his life in Belize after relocating his estate after a police raid in 2012.

The raid was carried out after the authorities suspected that McAfee was involved in drug manufacturing or trafficking.

Subsequently, McAfee’s neighbor Greg Faull was murdered, which prompted McAfee to go into hiding before crossing the border to Guatemala and being deported back to the United States.

This documentary shows that McAfee was involved in the murder because of a dispute between him and Fall over McAfee’s dog.

Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee aired on Showtime in September 2016


Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee aired on Showtime in September 2016Credit: Showtime

However, McAfee was never charged with any crime in Belize, when he described the documentary as fiction.

The movie originally aired on Showtime, but it can be played on Hulu with a paid subscription.

What happened to John McAfee?

According to reports, 75-year-old McAfee was in And hang himself in prison Barcelona, Spain.

According to Spanish newspapers world, The prison staff tried to resuscitate McAfee, but failed.

Report McAfee He died within hours after the Spanish national court approved his extradition to the United States.

McAfee is wanted in the U.S. for tax criminal charges The maximum sentence is 30 years in prison.

McAfee reportedly hanged himself in a prison in Barcelona, ??Spain on June 23, 2021


McAfee reportedly hanged himself in a prison in Barcelona, ??Spain on June 23, 2021Credit: Showtime

The decision could have been appealed, and the final extradition needs to be approved by the Spanish cabinet.

McAfee’s death raises questions on social media After his fan base The tech tycoon tweeted in 2019: “If I commit suicide myself, I don’t. I was slapped in the face. Check my right arm” and then his tattoo photo.

What did John McAfee say about his life?

In the months before his death, McAfee, who called himself “at large,” made sensational statements in a series of strange Twitter posts.

He claimed that he had prejudice against the “persons in power” and threatened that if he was sentenced to jail or died, he would eventually reveal the “truth.”

McAfee has a record of making pranks and false statements on social media, which seems to indicate that his life is in danger.

McAfee posted some tweets about his life before he died


McAfee posted some tweets about his life before he diedCredit: Reuters

He also claimed that he had set a “dead switch”, and if he died or mysteriously disappeared, he would sprinkle countless dirt on unnamed people.

In the original mysterious tweet, he wrote: “People ask me why I do what I do.

“The act itself is incomplete. This is the reason for the act of completing it and providing real information. I am [on] run.

“If I were to explain my’why’, I would be an idiot.”

Then he added: “I am neither afraid of death, nor escaping from it. At my age, it sits on my shoulders as an eternal companion. It makes me fearless.”


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